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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. Burning up a Wise Guy's free minutes; not the healthiest habit I can think of.
  2. "In the 19th and early-20th centuries, benzene was used as an after-shave lotion and for douches because of its pleasant smell." - Wikipedia There's nothing like the smell of aromatic hydrocarbons first thing in the morning.
  3. I've heard George Michael is next in line for the position.
  4. As always, different sources, different projections. Venezuela's growth for the past three years under Chavez has exceeded 11% per annum (per the World Bank), dispelling the popular myth that his presidency = economic ruin for Venezuela. Having said that, he'd best do something (back off on some price controls, for example) to curtail the rising inflation in Venezuela. And as always, I'll forego a smug little emoticon, or what I like to call a dipshit's period, to punctuate my obviously irrefutable opinions.
  5. and he looked better in a dress.
  6. Admit it. We've all plunged our sticks into breakable crust during moments of desperation. It's always tempting to jump anonymous cornices, but that leads to a high risk lifestyle. I grappel with this a lot. The sweetest sugar is hoar on top, virgin below.
  7. If you do the paper trick, strip it off before the glue/wax re-solidifies or some of the paper will stick to your skins. You will probably loose some glue in the process. Have some extra on hand. Go with a colder temperature wax. You'll have less of this kind of problem.
  8. Robert Burns is rolling in his grave.
  9. Hmmm, 10% economic growth under that commie Chavez verses near 0% economic growth slated for us for the remainder of Bush's term... NYT article Yes, dark days are indeed ahead for Venezuela; as dark as, say, the color of crude oil, freshly pumped.
  10. Allman Bee-no Lyrnyd, Shure, but Blind Truth Deth no Def-ness Cure
  11. Benzene is a much better high.
  12. I've heard Mr. Greenjeans is next in line for the position.
  13. That's two Einsteins in as many minutes...
  14. Well, i will learn to spell correctly, but you will always be a tool. Looks like you've got you work cut out for you in more ways than one.
  15. Light to moderate windcrust on N (and some NW and NE) facing aspects over consistent but increasingly heavy snow. Best conditions seemed to be on W facing slopes. Recommendation: Keep an eye out for the next powder dump following this week's warming and consolidation.
  16. If you can't even spell, stay off this sight.
  17. See what happens when you give Madonna the keys to the kingdom and Antonia Banderas a singing role? Mel-viiii-nas! Mel-viiii-nas!
  18. I'm just glad 'Alo Presidente' will be on the air for six more seasons. 'Fea Mas Bella' sucks morrongos del burros lately.
  19. A: Chavez has yet to invade another country under false pretenses. B: Chavez hasn't run the most formerly admired country in the world into the toilette. C: Chavez doesn't lead the world's largest greenhouse gas producing country while denying that global warming is a problem. C: Chavez doesn't have his finger on the world's most powerful nuclear button. The list goes on, but why bother? At this point, there isn't anyone in this audience who needs a kindergarten lesson in current events. Speaking of kindergarten lessons, dissapproval of a greater buffoon does not translate to support of a lesser.
  20. That's the last time I let that fucking chihuahua get a hold of the webcam.
  21. Amanita muscaria: Rudolph's relatives have been grooving on it for millenia. The Sami got high by drinking their urine. Probably not the most inviting theme party idea. Especially with so many psylocibes growing right down the street in our city parks.
  22. You're trying to get too close to it, man. Turn around, plunge a fork deep into your breast, and listen to what your screams are striving to become. Oh, and attach the video to your next post.
  23. It's best left to professional artists.
  24. Friction can be both good and bad. Some have trouble making the seasonal switch.
  25. Nope. Pull down menu item. 3D blobular representation of spray patterns:
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