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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. at the very minimum a gargleblaster, hopefully.
  2. This statement makes major, incorrect assumptions. But I'll leave you in the dark. And while I'm at it, let me ask why you feel the need to support some of the most incredibly stupid, offensive comments...made by some of the the most incredibly stupid, offensive participants... to be found in this forum? Vulgar attacks on Christians are to be defended? Now Jews? What's next, our African American brothers? I've made major, incorrect assumptions about someone I've never met? Impossible! The VULGARITY of this forum! Shocking! Now STFU, my niggah.
  3. What, specifically, is wrong with what he's saying?
  4. Sounds like FW's perfect candidate.
  5. Accept Jebus as your personal assistant, but do not, at any time, list God as your personal physician.
  6. To bring some reality to this story, these photos (not NYC) were taken from 50 stories up, about the height of the fall. Jesus.
  7. Better that than the 500 club.
  8. Did you accept the Baby Jebus as your personal assistant at any point during your life?
  9. One word: Evangelicals.
  10. He had about 5 seconds to think about things on the way down. Sadly, he lost his brother in the same fall.
  11. Bicycle arm warmers are nice. When you get too warm, you just quickly roll them down to your wrists. Pretty flexible, easy to stuff in a pocket, and they do keep your hands warmer. I put a shell mitt over whatever gloves I'm wearing when it gets colder. That seems to give me another 5 to 10 degrees of warmth. Hind makes super thin liner gloves that will dry quickly and fit inside most other heavier gloves. In wetter conditions, it's better to have uninsulated shell gloves and thinner layers underneath so each layer can be dried out by body heat at night. In colder conditions, you can get away insulated gloves without worrying about getting them soaked. Any cheap, warm glove will do, as long as it isn't too tight. People often get cold hands from restricted circulation when they try to pack too many layers in a shell glove or mitt. In any case, sleep with your gloves, at least the inner, thinner layers, to dry them out every night.
  12. NYT called Obama by a small but healthy margin
  13. How about falling 500 feet...without a rope: NYT: Man falls 47 stories and survives.
  14. The GOP right now: what a thoroughly satisfying train wreck. I'm glad Obama's ahead. Thank you, gentle Children of the Corn.
  15. You want run on? Check out one of these German shiza flicks.
  16. If I am indeed a king, then my kingdom's really, really small. I do feel rich, but that's an attitude thing. Still, there are those who don't appreciate their own lives enough to keep them from envying others. Ah well, that's an attitude thing, too.
  17. Giuliani: A one note diva singing an overplayed song slightly off key.
  18. Mojitos: Si! Martinis...pues...si, tambien! Pero yo prefiero el sabor dulce de las mujeres Cubanas, abajo del sol tropical, lejos de estos Yanqui vespas maricones y perros de raspar.
  19. Yes.
  20. Yo pienso que hay demaciado protesta, Reyna Dramatica.
  21. Cuba has the most pristine coral reefs in the world and it's music and culture need no introduction; it's on the top of my places to visit list. I'm not sure which way the barracuda and trigger fish lean politically, however.
  22. The military is a form of collectivism with centralized authority, so I can understand why neither FW nor KKK, for all their flag waving, served their country in the armed forces. It would have been too ideologically painful.
  23. The fastest growing economy in the world is communist. This would not have been possible without centralized authority and the unprecedented construction of infrastructure it was able to execute without opposition. The perfect economic system is born.
  24. Intellectual climate change takes its toll.
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