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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. I thought I'd do some ice climbing instead this weekend. Wanna come along?
  2. Just wanted to drop by to say that you suck donkey dicks at ten cents a herd.
  3. God, I'm already bored with you again. Listening to the yappy dog next door is more engaging.
  4. Hey, how's the Intermediate Climbing Course coming? Did you ever manage to pass that thing? I know there were "difficulties". If so, congratulations!
  5. There is a group of people who tell themselves the same joke over and over again and laugh every time. Perhaps you can join them. After all, every baby is a gift from God.
  6. The Tramp Stamp also gives one a prayer of getting it inbetween the right greasy rolls.
  7. You haven't provided any new humor since your head first crowned from the ass of a monobrowed millet eater.
  8. The nice thing about tattoos on an emo fat chick is that it provides a distraction from the smell of the jeans she hasn't washed since the New Millenium.
  9. I've informed Mother that if she doesn't kindly die soon I'm going to have to do The Right Thing.
  10. tvashtarkatena


    Perhaps someone wishing to study the effects of gamma radiation on lawn gnomes will shoot you towards the sun in a space capsule.
  11. Yeah, we're all bustin' a gut over here, Macaca.
  12. Our dog finally pooed after two days of straining, and it came out looking like your avatar.
  13. tvashtarkatena

    HI HO

    Seasoned or raw?
  14. Yes, that makes sense. MSR replaced the shoes, no questions asked, no paperwork, at the factory down on 2nd St. S. They took the time to explain the design flaw and how they'd rectified it in the next version. I contrast, I had a ripped out some rivets on a pair of Tubbs snowshoes, which is also in Seattle. "Can I just come down and drop them off?" No. The only way to get them fixed is to mail them in through the original retailer. "Can you give me a repair estimate over the phone? I can describe exactly which rivets have failed." No. Send them in, then you get the estimate. Yeah, right. The whole process was such an open ended hassle that I decided to just try to fix them myself. That's fine. And that's the last Tubbs product I'll ever buy. Fortunately, they're a second pair now, and so there only for visitor use.
  15. I see tattoos as just one more version of the 'logoization' of the society. As the population explodes, I wonder if people in a more crowded, less personal society opt for billboard displays of individuality rather than relying on personality and behavior which they feel isn't going to get noticed anyway. Logos gain one easier entry into various logo clubs: the emo club, the hipster club, the clubber club. Furthermore, people have increasingly identified with their belongings. Logos on clothing, logos on cars, logos on body. I am what I own. In other words, I'm not quite good enough as is. Just a thought.
  16. There are about 600 snow depth sensors distributed throughout the mountains in the West. Some are manual and must be read by helicopter, but many report their findings by echoing radio signals off of meteor trails (I kid you not). I've seen one of the manual one's being checked by helo near Cloudy Pass.
  17. Would you like to pet my monkey?
  18. I really don't give a shit who's running. I'm voting for her:
  19. I googled "Mike Huckabee's Wife" and came up with this gem. I'll never look at an assault rifle the same way ever again. Hotty nonsequitor
  20. If that were at issue, Kucinich (with his hot wife) would be leading the pack. Mrs. Obama's not a bad looker.
  21. Who's in? The forecast, except for Fri day, is nice and cold. Accomodations are really cheap in Coulee City. PM me.
  22. OK, so who's going to Banks this weekend? I am.
  23. Like gansta wear and so many other 'caution: danger ahead' fashion statements, tattoos have long since left counterculture for looking the part in the post modern mainstream habit of looking the part. With so many emo types sporting Russian prison tats, bankers with biker tats, and kindergarten teachers with smiley faces stamped on their asses (for real), it's hard to see most tattoos as anything more than a body art version of a Hard Rock Cafe. I've only seen one guy with ink that even approaches unique: a friend of mine sports physics equations on his arms. Do people even show each other their tattoos when they first start dating anymore? It seems like that would be like "hey, wanna see my arms? I've got two of em" these days. I can't help thinking that, 30 years from now, we'll be a nation of faded, frowning skulls, mer-manatees, and supernovaed stars.
  24. Just another example of The Man keepin the actin machinery down.
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