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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. The first time I had a woman. She was wearing a big diamond. I politely asked her if she planned to remove it beforehand.
  2. it'd be pretty damn easy to top your humor too. even something as low-brow as this Irishman could do the job: Even funnier. If you think you're slyly "revealing" something here, I've got old news for you. Nearly all of the folks on this forum, out of towners excepted, have already met me in person. Bwahaaa haaa haaa! Yours, Hugh
  3. 1. it's how i show you my love for you Porter-pie 2. yes Now answer my question: 1. what the hell did you do to Hot Carl???? OMFG, could this get any funnier? Yours, Paddy
  4. At least we can count on the housing market to pull us through. Speaking of which, anyone pull the trigger on the new house next door? Still vacant. The price is still too high, even for the robust Seattle housing market. I think the guy did not make a very good investment in how much he paid for the lot + the type of house it is+ how it is situated. Its pretty funny, asking for more than 3/4 million for a "Rearview Window" picture window view (literally like 15 feet or less from the big picture windows right when you walk in the door) of the neighbors decrepit deck complete with old refrigerator and washing machine rusting on it. They even hired a new real estate company which outfitted it with furnishings, but so far the polished turd has not sold. The McMansion 5 houses down hasn't sold either. It's been half a year, now.
  5. good grief! what was that about? You have to know a bit about their relationship on the court to get it, my dear.
  6. perfect. in two days you've shown yourself both a commie and a racist pig. I congratulate you for coming out of the closet. now just admit you and no. 13 are butt-lovers and we've got a trifecta. There's nothing about your potato-chucking ass a good relocation program couldn't cure. And, while I haven't seen 13's, I do love a nicely shaped ass. BTW, we forgot to add the guy who defeated Hitler to the list of great orators. Stalin.
  7. Clarence Thomas: "Yessuh, Mistuh Scuhleeuh"
  8. Closet? Get your inbred, fish belly white ass out in the sub zero and hoe my fields, steppe-nigga.
  9. God also farts. His last one we called Pinatubo.
  10. Condi's CV: 911 on her watch as NSA Strident promoter of the Iraq invasion Active participant in the destabilization of the Middle East Somehow, I think her future lies in academia.
  11. Denali.
  12. Hey, Bug, it's MORE THAN ENOUGH to know that you're healthy, buddy. I told my doctor "The least you can do is tell me you love me" I think they get that one alot, though.
  13. After seeing Powell do his WMD dog and pony show, he lost all credibility in my view. I wouldn't want a guy who can lie in public that blatantly leading anything.
  14. Dude, Gore was a total moron - at every debate and every appearance and speech. But hey, if you want to sniff two pieces of shit and claim one smells better, all the power to you. What do you mean by saying Gore was a total moron? did he not declear he was the inventor of the internet or some such nonsence? That should make him a god considering how he most have been what 2 years old or there about? Now a 2 year old inventing the internet is no moron. That claim is an out of context urban myth and you very well know it. What's up with your boy scout climbing class? You asked, I answered, then nothing.
  15. Dude, Gore was a total moron - at every debate and every appearance and speech. But hey, if you want to sniff two pieces of shit and claim one smells better, all the power to you. Sounds like you've done that yourself. Gore actually has a command of the English language. I heard Gore speak in person. He was articulate, intelligent, and had a decent, self depricating sense of humor.
  16. Jebus, I'm already bored here. Eternity with you guys? No thanks.
  17. If you want amazing, listen to a little MLK. His speech on Vietnam was both historically well researched and beautifully delivered.
  18. Is there an echo in here? Boy, you thumpers must monitor everything I post 24/7. It must be time consuming, but I suppose the Lord's work must be done. Ah well, who doesn't appreciate a fan base?
  19. There's a bit too much focus on seeing me naked here, boyz. I mean, I like you as friends and all....
  20. I'll still keep posting on my wireless. Beats sitting on a cloud bored shitless.
  21. I like running stairs. Why do you hate prostate exams?
  22. Is that the Beastie Boys? Their videographer sucks ass.
  23. Iowa analysis from one of my favorite talking heads
  24. Not safe for the religiously sensitive
  25. The Mayans seemed to be from 300% to 2000% off on most of their dates. Couldn't be due to an ill-informed post-modern interpretation of the meaning of their calendar. No, not at all.
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