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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. Nah. That online dance has always been a one joke bore, and the Klan isn't gracious enough to dance in person.
  2. tvashtarkatena


    Tom Cruise's performance in "Born on the Fourth of July", propelled by Oliver Stone's pile driving screenplay. was earth shattering. Then, in a one/two punch, he was rocketed to well deserved international superstardom in "Top Gun": a steamy, supersonic saga of loss, self protection, and the armor piercing salvation of a woman's love. From "Rainman" to "The Last Samurai", Tom Cruise has given us sorrow, defeat, redemption, and victory, but, most of all, love.
  3. There are (thankfully) only a few on this forum that will look at a photo "with a critical expert's eye", make a raft of erroneous assumptions completely out of context, and pass public judgement. Fortunately, the rest of this community is quick to hand their ass to them for it. Kudos to the Hood climbers for doing the right things and getting down in good shape.
  4. tvashtarkatena


    If gays wanna give each other dizeezes, thas their bidness.
  5. Goddamn that was fuckin funny.
  6. New bill in congress to address the problem
  7. Seasonally dependent, but here's a few shorties without much gain for the kiddies: Denny Creek to the water slide Carbon River (MRNP) to the cable bridge and toe of the glacier 3rd Burroughs from Sunrise(MRNP) Mowich Lake to the waterfall, Rainier view along the way (MRNP) Lake Serene near Index (or just up to the falls if you have to cut it short) Taylor River trail
  8. Pink, this thread is for fathers, not guys who don't know who their father is.
  9. It's the most efficient way to reduce mankind's carbon footprint. Lean, Mean, and Green.
  10. Who are you to question the stupidity of our Commander in Chief?
  11. Anthony Burgess had England down.
  12. Are you suggesting that the State would do something untoward for money?
  13. I'm also very uncomfortable with camera surveillance. What if the camera points towards your front window and the cops 'think' they see you doing something illegal inside your own home, then raid your place based on that? It's a "tool" that can too easily be manipulated by the state for less than savory purposes. The State, after all, does not exist to monitor our behavior. We exist to monitor the behavior of the State.
  14. An obvious affront to WA & US constitutions, and another example of why the vote was 50/50 in a heavily blue state. Rossi 2008! Where is Single Issue Man when you need him? Checkpoints have already been rejected by the courts in this state. Hopefully, this will prevent Gregoire from pushing this violation of privacy further. Checkpoints are a convenient way to mask overly invasive searches based on criteria that are unconstitutional, such as racial profiling. Four young black males in a car? "Step out of the vehicle, sir". Everybody gets stopped, which masks the fact that only "certain kinds" of people get searched based on criteria that do not necessarily included the smell of alcohol or erratic driving. Drunk driving is a problem, no doubt. Checkpoints are not a way to address that jibes with our fundamental value against searches and seizures without probable cause.
  15. Just make sure the rear seat folds down into the trunk for the skis/boards, brah. The roads to Mammoth are pretty well maintained, but, then again, storms do happen.
  16. Expedia, dude. Or Travelocity. Or some other travel site. You might not find the funky little cheap deals in LA like in small town HI.
  17. One word: Mesahchie. Until you've been there, you don't know from shitty gulley.
  18. BTW, mods, you've done an excellent job in the TR section. Out of all the posters on this site, only FW and KKK have taken my postings there and dragged them into Spray, but the good vibes from everyone else drowns that shit out pretty effectively. I don't recall ever posting anything but compliments or TRs there, but if you've evidence that my memory is selective, feel free to let me know, then kindly burn my village to the ground with me in it.
  19. we've (we is collective here, across the group, threads and past conversations when this accusation is thrown out) been over a) many times. i'm not salaried, not that it's any of your business. maybe, I'm like you and I can "do whatever the fuck I want", after all. b) more evidence of what I posted above c) YOU obviously take this site and yourself very seriously. and you do it to extremes that nobody else does. now go lick sack. You are 100% correct, now and from now on. And I am bored.
  20. If there's a shitty gulley within a hundred miles, a Mountie can find it. Actually, I'm grateful to the Mounties for their inexpensive and comprehensive courses which made a big difference when I was first starting out. The Everett Branch was a really fun group at the time.
  21. Point taken and agreed with, and here here.
  22. you've got more posts in half the time as a member here. and some days you carry on conversations with yourself... very disturbing. Add in the continual self-editing, and it's almost scary. Well, all the regulars are probably a bit OCD here. I'll readily admit it. Except...you, of course. A few distinctions are in order, however, while were pointing virtual fingers: a) You screw your employer by posting on company time...A LOT. b) Some of my posts are actually climbing related. c) You seem to believe that some on this site actually take this shit seriously. Heh heh.
  23. Ho ho, did someone get a widdle note from a moderator because they were being naughty? If so, you got the note because you were being an asshole, pal. I've never complained to the mods about anything on this site...but your admission (and paranoid response) is pretty funny. Ya see, there's a whole part of this site you may be unfamiliar with that's about climbers actually sharing their experiences through stories and photos. They're called Trip Reports, or TRs for short. It's kind of the main reason why the site exists. Other climbers actually like reading about and seeing photos from trips. Now, I know this is a difficult concept for you....
  24. Man, you just don't get it. I'll clue you in: STFU. Quit posturing, bragging, challenging other people's abilities, acting like a fucking know-it-all on every topic. Post less. Edit less. Try to be a little more humble, a little less OCD. Keep spray in spray, separate from other forums here, and personal lives out of Spray. That'd be a good start. Otherwise, expect to get pounded repeatedly. 5303: Post less? You don't pound me, KKK, you do the only thing a clown can do: you amuse me. As for your "influence", well, let's just say it's been as effective as your beloved President so far, eh? But keep the advice coming. It's really....helpful.
  25. You and FW have made a lot of the Triple Couloirs rope management photo. A laughable critique, since this route is well beyond your abilities. For your benefit as a newbie, however, I'll explain exactly what went down at the time. a) My belayer had hypothermia. He had just eaten something and put on his puffy when we swapped leads, but he was still barely recovering. In fact, he was barely able to stay conscious while belaying me up that (the crux) pitch. Getting him up and past the crux quickly so he could warm up, on to easier terrain, and off the mountain, was my primary concern. We knew there was weather coming in, so time was even more critical. Going back down in his condition would have been more time consuming and dangerous. b) The rope was flaked properly, but it was 20 degrees out, and the frozen rope slipped down the slope, as shown in the photo. c) I didn't care enough to redress the rope. The slab was clean; nothing to catch on, I was in an awkward hanging belay, and I was in a hurry to get my partner up and safe. Textbook Mounty rope management simply didn't matter at the time. So, given the situation, I made all the right decisions, and would play it exactly the same way were it to happen that way again. Any more advice? For anyone who gives the remotest shit, and that's probably no one who actually climbs, the TR and photos appear here: Triple Couloir
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