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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. Would that constitute social engineering or puppet mastereering?
  2. I'm starting to get the faint impression that FW and KKK might not like me.
  3. I ate a rooster once. Don't.
  4. Two bucks will also buy you a quart of motor oil. I hear there are lots of calories in that.
  5. If you think my previous statement of common sense is 'philosophically savvy', even weakly so, then then you're more easily confounded than most. Keep on with your crusade, Dawgma; I'm sure the Age of Sportos will soon end, and a New Age of Aquarius will dawn upon the crags, with nary a single twinkling reflection of a bolt to be found anywhere. A spiritual awakening, with you riding triumphant at it's head, bearing the standard "I told you so!". Good luck with that, buddy. Or maybe, as gas prices increase, gym and bolt climbing near urban areas will become more popular than ever.
  6. Certain social engineers *are* mandating just that. It is not possible for everyone to move close to their jobs, and those who can afford it the least will be fucked over by the higher gas prices and their commute. Moreover, higher gas prices means higher food costs and costs all around (e.g. clothes, cost to drive kids to soccer practice), which hit lower income folks harder. Take mass transit? Those costs are rising too. Social engineers? Who are these secret people? Shall we add paranoid to your new entitlement whiner monicker? America is fatter than a chuffy hog, so I hardly think higher food costs is going to do anything but improve that health crisis. Unprocessed foods are cheaper and healthier anyway. And speaking of fat, get those fat assed kids to ride their bikes to soccer practice. I did when I was a kid. I didn't have this new generation of harried, worried, bizzy bizzy bizzy soccer Moms to spoon feed me. My mom simply said "You wanna play soccer? Great. Take yourself to practice."
  7. Certain social engineers *are* mandating just that. It is not possible for everyone to move close to their jobs, and those who can afford it the least will be fucked over by the higher gas prices and their commute. Moreover, higher gas prices means higher food costs and costs all around (e.g. clothes, cost to drive kids to soccer practice), which hit lower income folks harder. Take mass transit? Those costs are rising too.
  8. I'm just reading some stuff on particulate filtering, which is making it big in Europe due to regulatory standards. WARNING: There maybe links coming.
  9. Also keep in mind that it takes 25% more crude oil to refine a gallon of diesel than gas, so, if one is concerned about oil depletion/consumption, gas mileage for diesel vehicles should be downgraded by 20% to compare with gas vehicles.
  10. What was that thread about all those poor, exploited prostitutes... This chick's a money making machine.
  11. This used to be true but is not so anymore. It used to be due to the high sulphur content of diesel but Europe has adopted more stringent emission standards (and the US is right behind). This is also why VW was unable to sell their TDIs in California until recently. Too bad its not true for china and south america yet. By the way, my TDI got 47mpg on the highway. I would not call that "slightly" better overall economy. Its better than most hybrids. So the sulphur content produced the particulates? The article I read (no link, can't remember the source, sorry) was relatively recent, last two months or so, after the low sulphur diesel came on line. Not dissaggreeing, just trying to get the story straight on this one.
  12. You made the choice about where you live. Yeah, everyone has 100% choice of where they can afford to live, and where their job is, and when they have to change jobs, they can pick up and relocate just like that. All the left wingnuts *pretend* to care about the "working class" when it is convenient for them (i.e. to gain *power*) but the reality is they don't give a shit. The 'working class' are responsible for making sound economic choices, just like the rest of us. And yes, we do have a choice of where we live and work and how many kids we have, etc....certainly no one else makes that choice for us, last time I checked. Coming from a military family, we 'just picked up and moved' every two years...on 400 bucks a month. So STFU, entitled whiner.
  13. Anyone check the average weight and horsepower of, say, an '84 Civic vs the 2008 model? There's a trade off between the variables, and the American consumer hasn't chosen fuel efficiency since the end of the last gas crisis. If fuel efficient economobiles sold well - then the auto companies would have been more than happy to make as many as the American consumer cared to by. Your countrymen did the math and made their choices. If anything's to blame, its them. Yes, I have checked that (2 years ago when I was shopping for a used vehicle). From memory: '93 Honda CRX: 43 mpg average. You wanted big assed bling mobiles, America, and the auto manufacturers were more than happy to provide them, cuz they bring in higher margins. So don't blame Detroit, or CAFE standards (which you apparently didn't politically support enough). Now you want 'hybrid SUVs', but you'll be blaming Detroit for them, too, when gas hits $5 a gallon. Look in the mirror and kindly STFU.
  14. Eco fascists have nothing to do with this, pal. As hard as it is for entitlement whiners like you to get used to it, this is just simple supply and demand at work. Welcome to real personal responsibility.
  15. I drive a 99. For the most part, cars are a waste of money. So what are you complaining about? Drive less. Carpool. Ride your bike. Work closer to home. Deal with it. Gas is only gonna go up. Welcome to the age of resource depletion.
  16. The whining about high gas price is ridiculous. It's mostly those who, seemingly devoid of any foresight whatsoever, bought gas guzzlers in the past few years. Well, tough toenails kids. These price increases have been predicted for a long time; you should have known they were coming. Welcome to the new age of personal responsibility. 'Oh, the poor will be hurt'. Bullshit. The poor are already on the bus or they drive economy cars. If 'the poor' are driving fat assed bling mobiles paid for with debt, well, then they deserve to suffer to for their irresponsible choices. As for the economy car poor, they can carpool or switch to the bus just as easily as anyone else. This nation doesn't have a traffic problem, it has a cheap gas problem. Higher gas prices will solve our 'traffic problem' for us, the natural way, through the invisible hand of the market, without spending a dime on expanded 520 bridges or other unnecessary 'improvements'. Where improvements do need to be made (other than preventing our existing infrastructure from falling down) is a continued commitment to public transportation.
  17. That's the pot calling the kettle black. Guantonamo, waterboarding, we have more than our share of dirt. Uh yeah..... Yeah, a few hundred terrorists in prison really compares to thousands and thousands of Chinese citizens, dissidents, thrown to rot in prison. Except for one thing: those prisoners at Guantanamo are OUR prisoners.
  18. Something to consider: diesels contribute to global warming more than high mileage gasoline cars (Honda civics, etc), despite their slightly better mileage overall, due to very high particulates. Unfortunately, biodiesel, while it produces reduced greenhouse gases, still produces large amounts of these particulates. This is a big problem in Europe, which has switched a large portion of its vehicles to diesel.
  19. I wear Garmonts and I have a narrow foot. Just a data point. Good luck.
  20. Maybe she can paint a house in six hours?
  21. Was that an extra feature from Red Dawn?
  22. McCain's a fucking loony toon. I'd trust a junk yard dog with 'The Button' sooner than I'd trust that whacko. If you're interested in continuing to balloon our military expenditures, further increase our so called 'terrorist threat' and national paranoia, and continue gutting our social safety nets, get on the Straight Talk Express!
  23. Beef, chicken, pork, lamb - they are all yummy. All you vegans can starve yourselves and look all week and sickly, and I'll have a steak on your behalf. You're like the guy driving a hummer. Do you know what the leading cause of deforestation in the Amazon is? That's right -- cattle grazing. Nearly 2/3 of agricultural cropland in America is ultimately intended for animal consumption. Did you know that nearly 60% of U.S. grain is fed to animals? That sure would be a lot of biofuel. It's fine to want to eat meat. Grass fed livestock, if done properly, is a sustainable way to raise meat. It's generally more expensive, however. The problem with the obese American consumer is the he/she feels entitled to LOTS of CHEAP meat (and cheap gas, for that matter). We need to ween our nation off of our twisted sense of consumer entitlement. We also need to decrease our population and that means, yes, in the U.S. This is the elephant in the room no one in our entitled nation is willing to talk about. Yes, that will mean greater restrictions on immigration; the primary source of our population growth.
  24. Eco-fascists? What do they have to do with gas prices? My understanding is the recent increases were due to OPEC. The people who think it's "good" for prices to go up. Way up. They should be happy. I didn't say there are to blame, but are certainly creaming their pants with delight. Yeah, this will show America! This is what America needs! F-k yeah! It's good for the planet, which means it's good for us, which means it's good period. You wanna burn more gas? STFU and get a better paying job, you whiny little bitch. Free market solutions, motherfucker.
  25. Actually, that trend has abated somewhat, partly because of the week dollar, and partly because the goods and services provided by some of these other countries, particularly tech/customer support from India, sucks ass. 'Efficiency' is only one of many success criteria for delivering goods and services. You can 'efficiently' manufacture a turd. You can also 'efficiently' support the manufacture of products in countries that have weak labor and environmental laws, and thus help destroy both human rights and the planet. Increasingly, the American public now demands higher levels of quality, service, environmental stewardship, and human rights than these places can provide. The classic example is buying a cheap shit Chinese power tool. Once you've returned it a couple of times after it's on/off switch fails in the ON position, you'll buy the more expensive, higher quality tool...and never buy that Chinese brand again.
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