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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. Wow. Leg in a cast, uh? Nothin' to do but sit around and eat, I guess....
  2. ...or certain strains of Celt.
  3. Just another sunny, supernova-free day in the Galactic Habitable Zone.
  4. Life sucks when you're a loser. It sucks worse if you're a sore loser.
  5. Tree deaths in the West and climate change
  6. Alpine climbers are smarter than all of the above.
  7. Already got one from SkyMall.
  8. The 2nd Amendment is silent on the subject of registering weapons.
  9. Gitmo was opened with the stroke of a pen, and closed the same way. Actually shutting it down will take a bit longer. Legislation to ensure it never happens again would be helpful.
  10. 47% of all drug convictions are for marijuana, so it's probably helpful to start any drug policy discussion with that low hanging fruit. About a 3rd of Washington voters will not accept any form of decriminalization, about a 3rd don't think the War on Drugs is working but don't know what to do about it, and about a 3rd think pot should be completely legal. Washington has already passed a medicinal marijuana law, but use and possession remains a criminal offense with mandatory day in jail. Clearly, processing and jailing marijuana users is not cost effective, particularly in times of severe budget deficit. On mid step that may be acceptable to Washinton voters would be to reduce possession to a class 2 infraction, with a maximum $100 fine payable by ticket. Regarding the harder drugs, the question is whether society wishes to return to the high addiction rates of the 1920's and the associated social costs and outlays for increased treatment in exchange for a less expensive criminal justice system and the social costs of incarceration. Surely, the goverment must regulate the sale and marketing of harmful substances; poisons, carcinogens, prescription drugs, so presumably it also enjoys the right to regulate drugs such as cocaine and heroin. It would seem workable if government would decriminalize possession of the harder drugs and maintain complete control of their sale. Users would have to get their drugs at treatment centers, where they'd be afforded a safe environment to use while being coaxed into treatment. This approach has been successful in other western countries, including our neighbor to the north. The Moralists hate it, but the end results for everyone are more attractive.
  11. Reading the paper this morning was like opening presents under the tree.... Blair pledges new approach to counterterrorism It's amazing how much more fun the party is after the psychopaths leave.
  12. Exttraordinary Rendition To End, Gitmo to be Closed I may not agree with his stimulus philosophy, but a president's economic policy isn't nearly as important as human rights policy in my book. Right now, I love this guy.
  13. There are 244 other detainees down there who'd probably love to hook up with you, too, Sunshine.
  14. Yes, I noticed the enlightened 1950's viewpoint there, too. But hey, what does the AMA and the 30 years of research that supports its conclusions know?
  15. I'm not only in Obama's cabinet; I'm into his Cheezits. From my vantage point here in the kitchen, a common hang out for the kind of back room talk that gits 'er dun in Washington, I'm privy to the most critical legal debates of the day, not the least of which right now is about Gitmo. I realize that this kind of straight from the mind shaft information is difficult for your Rachel Ray palettes to handle, but that's what I'm here for. That's why they...er...I was sent here.
  16. There was a large plume eminating from this face moments before, but I missed the shot.
  17. I think Obama owes Dick Cheney a thank you note.
  18. Obama's no doubt finding out just how deep a hole the Bush admininstration dug for him regarding Gitmo. Now that the head of Military Commissions admitted to torture and rejected the prosecution of its recipients, there are probably no convictions to be had amongst any of the Gitmo detainees (after all, they were most likely all tortured); leaving the possibility of having to free people with substantial terrorism evidence stacked against them. Yeah, it's going to take some time to unravel that ratfuck.
  19. Pics and a video: Right gulley, wrong day Ivanhood Elliot Glacier and the North Face Serac debris Projectile at rest Summit shadow Ice debris detail Dawn Alpenglow Retreat: Rainier and Adams in the distance [video:youtube]J1ZFcourWeA Windstorm
  20. What amazed me about Bush's final press conference was his bewilderment at why so many people (actually, he believes its just a few) are so angry at him. Now THAT's cognative dissonance.
  21. As for people who stood by their beliefs no matter what; Hitler's definitely the shit. Charles Manson's up there, too. That has got to be the most moronic criteria for admiration I've ever heard.
  22. Trolls like this are more reflective of the hurt sensibilities of a poster who has seen his personal hero drive his cherished world view off a cliff. Substitute 'FW' for 'Bush' and you've got a more honest post. The central theme, of course, is that everyone else is to blame. The city planted the tree; they should pay for the damaged sidewalk. Or, as a rapist would put it; the bitch was asking for it.
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