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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. It'll be refreshing to see America move away from the policies of an aggro teenager who can't acknowledge that he's not the only spoiled brat in the room to those that at least remotely resemble an adult, principled stance.
  2. Jis gittin mah troll on!
  3. All the insider dirty laundry is getting aired now that Alfred P. Newman and Dr. Mengele are checking out. I just heard a story on NPR regarding the illegal wiretap program. Apparently, Cheney knew it was ruled to be illegal by a foriegn intelligence court for three months, but continued the program. The asst Attorney general and the next five successors in the chain of command under him all threatened to resign in protest by a certain date if the program wasn't haulted. That went on for three months. The day before they were to resign, Cheney finally told Bush, who remained in the dark the entire time, and the program was abruptly haulted. Bush probably would have been impeached had the resignations taken place (you can imagine the blowback from having the entire leadership of your DOJ, except for Speedy Gonzales, of course, resign because your're breaking the law). We know the results this administration produced were fucked up beyond measure. Now we're finding out the details of just how fucked it up it was on the inside.
  4. WINTER: Ice tool Louise Falls Denali from the Mooses Tooth Ham and Eggs Mooses Tooth Shriek of the Sheep Icy BC Kahiltna Glacier from the W Ridge of Francis Cornice in W Ridge of Francis Sherpa Glacier Sphinx Glacier BC MiniMoonflower
  5. It also may signal that we're finally getting back up.
  6. Let's hope for some prosecutions of our own officials AT nominee Holder says waterboarding is torture
  7. We've lost the ability to prosecute one Gitmo detainee because we tortured him. There will likely be many others: The blowback of torture (NYT) It should be noted that while several terrorists have been convicted and sentenced in criminal courts, none, not one, of the Gitmo detainees has ever been convicted of anything over the past seven years. It's tough to live under the rule of law. It's tyranny not to.
  8. OK, I like the gender bender feature, but where's the Peter Frampton button?
  9. Fuck that Tom Cruise/Yo Yo Ma shit. Unless that thing allows me to spatially interact with a holographic crack ho, I ain't interested.
  10. The first few posts were pretty damn funny. "We use bums to buy us beer".
  11. Or perhaps you didn't get the fairly obvious joke.
  12. Ain't that the truth. I don't know shit about music, except what sounds good to me, of course. Half the bands you big boys talk about, I've never heard of. Fortunately, I'm surrounded by hipsters with a never ending supply of new stuff guaranteed to make me look kewler than I really am. Now the Kevbone, thing...that's gotta be a bit of a Amadeus/Salieri thing for you, given your weather balloon sized ego, no?
  13. I learned that during my extensive monanistic training.
  14. Lapses in musical taste aside, Bone's probably the better musician of this odd couple.
  15. The Catholics believe that the 'souls of the just' reside Way Up In Hebbin. The 2nd Coming Grand Opening date must be another one of those kooky Evangelical things.
  16. They always tattle.
  17. Curling. Now THERE'S a sport.
  18. OK, Father Flannigan, just where are all the stiffs being stored until then?
  19. Unlike Bug, I guess.
  20. Does he clean house?
  21. All that for $11 a sixer. Canada: where freedom isn't free.
  22. Yeah, that's why they call it a FEDERAL law, dude. Is E-rock in Guantanamo?
  23. That correlation seems unlikely. Lots of risk averse people get caught for minor speeding violations all the time. Workman's comp claims are more likely to be correlated with blue collar verses white collar than whether or not you get caught for speeding.
  24. I heard a rumor that pardons were only for people who'd been convicted of crimes.
  25. Recent history suggests that your masochism isn't limited to reading my posts.
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