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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. I repeat my question. Do you know anything about it? The American Medical Association's statement: American Medical Association statement In 1997, the following statement was adopted as policy of the American Medical Association (AMA), an association of medical doctors and medical students, after a report on a number of alternative therapies including acupuncture: "There is little evidence to confirm the safety or efficacy of most alternative therapies. Much of the information currently known about these therapies makes it clear that many have not been shown to be efficacious. Well-designed, stringently controlled research should be done to evaluate the efficacy of alternative therapies." Specifically regarding acupuncture, the AMA cited reviews conducted in 1992 and 1993 that stated there was not enough evidence to support acupuncture's effectiveness in treating disease, and called for further research. Soooooooo neither FW nor the AMA know a damn thing about acupuncture. It's kind of amusing, but not terribly so, how most of FW's posts are his own worst enemy. Just sayin....
  2. The maxipad effect: Not a turn-on.
  3. Mass extinction is a rare theme. It's only occurred a handful of times on our planet. This one's avoidable, or, given human nature, maybe not.
  4. Personally, I'm a big fan of capitalism in a reasonable form. What we have here is a corporate cock sucking machine that shits on small business. But than again, I'm also a fan of anarchy in a reasonable form.
  5. Any time you're arguing that an 'ism' is the problem, you've taken yourself out of the solution process. You can have an ecological shithole or a sustainable culture under 'ism'. The values of the culture itself, backed up by daily individual action and habit, are what drives the ship either into the iceberg or into the clear. America's values? Yeah, we are so fucked.
  6. Yep, you have to remember these are all 'lifestyle' choices - the planet will be fine. Well, the ecosystem, right on down to plankton, won't be; we're taking a lot of species down with us, but the rock'll still be here. I just kind of prefer the place more like the way we found it.
  7. 'establishment tools'. I totally plagiarized that.
  8. ...and you're not gonna replace it with wind farms and dreams: Your like a piece of used concrete. Not very dynamic in thinking, analysis, or imagination. Wonder what that pie would have looked like around, say, 1880? Probably a great big 'wood' wedge, huh? Where is that wood wedge today? It's not only possible, but cost effective to invest in an infrastructure that will produce a MAJORITY of our energy needs from wind and solar within 3 decades, using today's technology. There are many side benefits in addition to the obvious national security and ecological ones: a substantial reduction in per capita energy usage due to the vastly greater efficiency of electric systems, particularly cars, over fossil fuel systems. Land allocation would be about the same for a wind/solar versus fossil fuel future; you can use 90% of a windfarm for other purposes, most notably interleaving solar generation where appropriate. Wind energy, at about 7 cents/kwHr is already on par with fossil fuels, but when the comprehensive costs are considered: environmental damage and the trillions blown on resource driven wars, wind and solar are vastly cheaper alternatives. Having said all this, I have absolutely zero confidence that we will do anything but continue to suck limp corporate cock, cheered on by FW and a sunstantial population of like minded establishment tools, and burn shitloads of cheap, dirty coal and fuck this planet up beyond any hope of repair (at least, from a human standpoint).
  9. If that was directed at KKK, that's an insult to simians everywhere.
  10. Nail on the head. Klean Koal, here we come.
  11. What, you're a peacenik all of a sudden? Douche nozzle asshat.
  12. We had a family of Bachar's down the road where I grew up. They pronounced it BOCK'R. I would think the closer you get to Chicago, the more that O grows a little tail at the end. Just thought I'd provide some critical input to this important discussion.
  13. The UK only has 3 scientists.
  14. I just built the coolest series of lamps. FUCK YEAH.
  15. It's a conspiracy, and the earth's in on it.
  16. At least you had time to tell me to fuck off...that's cool. The 'music' you listen to wouldn't happen to be the Metallica clips that Savage plays on his show, would it? Nah. Well according to that crowd, if you don't agree with them 100% then you're at Statist, there's no 'middle ground'. I guess you're a Statist, too then. Why are you trying to destroy this country, KK? Fuck yourself in the ass with a whiffenpoof, douche nozzle! I won't violate my cone of harmony by reading byle and vitriol spewed by The Angry Left! Peace out Asshat!
  17. Not to mention tyranny and oppression
  18. If affordable health care for all, clean energy independence, an end to our wars, and drug policy reform are 'progressive', then the 2/3 number is actually correct. Which of these four initiatives, if any, do you disagree with KKK?
  19. Soooo...we're still a country of morons. I am so shocked.
  20. Dang he will just not stop! That is why you sir are in spray. Your like a little kid, you throw sand in our face and wonder why we won’t let you play in the sand box with the rest of us. No sir you are free to spray sand all you want in the spray box where you belong, blah! ba! blah! ba! blah! it must suck to be soooo annoying. and so irrelevant.
  21. I wuz like: "Boyz, we're all on the same damn side here." Then U wuz like: "I doubt that very much." Then I wuz all like talking about the constitution meaning that wuz the side we wuz all on and stuf. Then U wuz all like: "What" Now I'm all like thinking of only responding "Huh", but instead I'm all like jus' repeating myself again. Good talkin' to ya. I don't know what this cadet is going on about either.
  22. We're already in Pakistan. The majority of our drone air strikes now are executed there, with an increasing number of targets selected by the Pakistanis...not us. This is Vietnam all over. We have no strategy, there will be no good outcome for the U.S., yet some vastly overblown, amorphous 'threat' keeps us over there and draining our national coffers. We can leave now, or leave after spending another trillion we don't have (and we will do that); the result will be the same, only the longer we wait, the weaker we'll be for the next few decades. The sad part is that every single one of you as well as most other yanks who aren't in a coma, when the pretend-debate is stripped away, knows this to be true. It would be vastly better for the health of our nation, dear fellow patriots, to pull out now, shunt the money into federally supported energy independence technology (windmills, mostly), and say a fond 'fuck you and farewell' to the Middle East and central Asia forever.
  23. No. If they did, you'd probably be making excuses for me. The sad truth is that I often see HCGW women imprisoned in Subaru's and hybrids by effeminate males like you. Most of them are barren for reason upon which I can only speculate. No doubt some are secretly lusting after that guy who just passed them in the SUV. That's hawt.
  24. Apparantly, the biggest complaint Pakistani leaders had about the drone strikes was that the drones weren't painted with Pakistani Army insignias. OH, the Pakistanis love our drones. The question is: who are OUR robots summarily executing under THEIR command now? We no longer really know.
  25. 'Real job' is a term used by people who hate theirs...to dull the pain, I guess. Choada's got one of the best gigs out there, as far as I can tell.
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