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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. KKK got his givadictomy in Thailand. Saved some major coin.
  2. Chests can easily touch if the one subject is inverted.
  3. I will say that the government is apparently way too fat and happy in the overemployment category given my experience this week sailing back from Victoria. Our threatening 27 ft C and C, powered only by sculling oar or sail, then adrift in the calm Straight of Juan de Fuca, was interdicted by two 33 foot SAFE boats from the Dept. of Homeland Security's Customs and Border Protection, at half a million each, crewed by six agents sucking down about a million dollars a year, with training and equipment. They took our passports, but did not check us in. They didn't know the process for how our vessel should do that, and shoved us off on a bureacratic wild goose chase that at one turn would have us return to Port Angeles, an impossibility for our vessel given the tide and wind, to calling the Coast Guard whose number had accidentally been provided instead of a customs office contact. The Coast Guard sent us the right direction: the lone border agent of Port Townsend; our call him on his day off and on the day he was to propose to his now fiancee. He was pissed. A number of federal agencies are wormholes that suck budget money from our world to another dimension, but Homeland Security is the Queen Mother Hoover of them all. On the state level, the criminal justice system, bloated after suckling the rich milk that spurts from the War on Drug's many swollen utters, and the educational system, which seems to have accreted a thick blubbery layer of administration, mop up whatever remaining credit continues to dissipate in the economic ether.
  4. Right, as we all know the private sector hardly raised wages and stripped benefits over quite a few years now. Nationalize PepsiCo and watch the bar graphs equalize.
  5. Great recreational boating in Somalia. And as for Florida, they do have a regional expertise in cardiology
  6. tvashtarkatena

    Poor Dick

    I suppose it's a minor detail to note that we all had a chance to vote for or against Cheney, but not Roosevelt. And some of us did, while others of us...not so much. You only get the chance to support or fight tyranny in your own time.
  7. Haro from Victoria!
  8. Guess this is all you've got left since it's no longer cool to dis the spics and niggahs these days. Of course, this is no longer cool either...you're just too fuckin dumb to realize it yet.
  9. I just hate Scottish people.
  10. Given that these threads are usually started by either Raindawg or you in an insulting manner, are you asking me to delete the entire thread? This isn't a JOB, since I don't get paid, and babysitting your pet rant is not really what I want to do for hours a day, every day. Your rants are not an asset to the site. You want custom service? PAY ME A DECENT WAGE. I’d be happy to moderate a forum on climbing ethics and style. I’ll work for free. How refreshing would it be to discuss one of the most important issues of modern climbing in a spray-free forum? There is no lack of interest in the topic….I suspect such a forum would generate plenty of traffic, pleasing both site owners and sponsors. I also think we’d hear from a greater number of participants representing a broad spectrum of attitudes in a forum where spray is not tolerated. Or you could start your own climbing site that requires real names be used for login... ...oh, wait....
  11. tvashtarkatena


    Morons make up a third of any large human population. Think about it... ...if you're able to.
  12. Hey, saw Rush on a beauty contest (not as a contestant). He's lost some weight!
  13. The clap? I'm thinking anal fissures, but those can be cured. No, any affliction that could compete with the Republican Party has to be something chronic that doesn't quite kill you, but makes you wish it did.
  14. OK, so there's this Buddhist at a bar, and in walks a Republican, a prostitute, a security contractor, and a Venezuelan dictator....
  15. Honestly, I cut and pasted this quote straight from my PM's. Since I happen to believe in this dictate, and since its source is a man even more important than OW....even more important than MattP himself....I'm going to protect his identity. Peter! Peter, sic balls!!!!
  16. Everyone should also be able to gin up a munter and/or biner biner belay in case they forget or drop their belay device. Not that that's ever happened to me....
  17. Well, that's one place to store a 22 I reckon.
  18. Thank God...my insomnia, finally cured.
  19. One person without health care security is too many for a civilized country. Given our military adventures, we can easily afford it. That's not the issue. The issue is a winner v loser philosophy of cruelty versus a middle class, we're all in this together philosophy. It's a choice. Our current health care debacle stands alone in the civilized world. No other country in our income bracket has this problem of costs spiraling out of control, a national in fear of inadequate coverage or renigging on the coverage they have, and medically related bankruptcies. Our system is basically lose your job, lose your coverage. Or...don't make enough? Welcome to Africa. It's disgusting. Arguing cancer survival rates or whether there are 50 million or only 30 people without coverage (a disingenuous argument at its face, as re are tens of millions who may be covered but inadequately) is all just complete bullshit. By nearly every measure, we absolutely suck compared to a host of nations less wealthy than we are. Furthermore, continuation of our present system ensures that costs will continue to spiral out of control. The stress that spectre causes our people is incalculable. Is there a single person in this audience who isn't worried about it? The tragedy is, it doesn't need to be this way. We have 30 or so national models, pieces of which are all already in place in our country in one form or another, that are superior to our own by nearly every substantive measure.
  20. And they will be comforted to know that they can have the same influence as say, Bank of America, influencing their local congressional race. Macaca!
  21. tvashtarkatena


    I've been calling those retards retards from day one.
  22. WA's execution protocol is under review after legal challenges. Delving into this issue is a surreal experience. Current protocol calls for a 3 drug cocktail: anesthesia, paralytic, poison, in that order. I have an inherent discomfort with the State having to power to kill its citizens, but even for those who suffer from no such squeamishness, there are other compelling reasons to end the death penalty. One, of course, is that execution is far more expensive than life in prison. Millions of dollars more expensive per case. Secondly, there is a significant number of prisoners who go to their deaths falsely convicted. Finally, from an ethical standpoint, how does the State find a doctor to supervise an involuntary killing. If the State does not use doctors, who is qualified to practice what is essentially a medical procedure, and by what license, training, and authority?
  23. You're right. In Illinois. Who am I mixing him up with?
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