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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. Shit, dude, a burbian prince like you don't even know how to work a modern toaster! Mommy does all your cookin for ya?
  2. Fuckin chopped Lawnboy n shit.
  3. Ain't no governing it. BURBIAN BADDASS.
  4. KKK's where I get all my one liners. That shit is garden fresh.
  5. Something IS stuck in my toaster. I'm in the process of dissecting it.
  6. Dude, we are "ungovernable". Yes, original, free thinkers, both of you. Absolutely impervious to propaganda of any kind.
  7. Nothing is keeping this turd from sinking anymore. Tough times ahead.
  8. Jebus, finally right about something...but why'd you vote for him twice?
  9. Snackin on toasted home made french bread right now, motherfucker. Yum.
  10. ....Wait, half a wit libturds and democrap deniers like Pat are still blaming all this on Bush.....right? No need now for an alternative version that might shake them up. Still Bush's fault. Nothing to see here. Same-same as it's ever been with an extra slice of hope and change and this time we mean that last part. Why is it that only morons trip over each other to be my spokesman? This blue ribbon runner up would have difficulty interpreting the ruminations of one of my turds. I could probably have a more enlightening conversation with my toaster.
  11. tvashtarkatena


    It's a RELIGION, not a RACE, mkay? LOL.
  12. tvashtarkatena


    Hopefully, he's not also a Muslim; The Religion of Hate .
  13. It's one way to be the brightest bulb in the room, I guess.
  14. If he's not a dumbfuck, why is he a Republican?
  15. tvashtarkatena


    Sobolewski Not that it matters, but for the first year or so on this site, I thought Sobo was black. Not sure why. Rock on bro, rock on... There's a black person here????!!!!
  16. tvashtarkatena


    Hard to say, cuz the term 'terrorist' is damn near as watered down as 'hero', its siamese twin. Murka's conservatives sure know how to over-inflate a word to make the crushing boredom of their BargainShoppingTopian dream seem more interesting.
  17. tvashtarkatena


    It's too bad such humor goes right over the heads of fully half of our not-terribly-bright population.
  18. tvashtarkatena


    His response to a the talk show idiot who claimed that 30% of all Muslims were terrorists: "That's 600 MILLION terrorists...this should be a cake walk!"
  19. tvashtarkatena


    Aasif Mandvi, during his recent Bill o' Rights appearance, celebrated the burning of the Koran; "Sales are BOOMING this year!" Remember, its not racist...cuz its a religion!
  20. A road map of Kinshasa also closely resembles the same.
  21. "Thanks, young feller! Ya just saved me a $200 office visit!"
  22. Did you know that 30% of Muslims are terrorists?
  23. The only difference between what America does and what Pakistan did in this story are: The Pakistani woman actually got a trial for offending the dominant religion. We don't even bother with the Muslims we kidnap, torture, and, on occasion, kill. I realize that this kind of humanist, rather than American, perspective is not available to some, of course. Life must be simpler and easier that way...for the individual, anyway. For the rest of society and the world? Not so much.
  24. Sure glad our culture isn't judged by our penchance for kidnapping and torturing innocent people, or having, by far, the most people in prison per capita of any society - with a 3x bias against blacks in that department to boot. Yeah, sure glad we've got the fucking gold star report card in the human rights department. Just one question: have you ever been to Pakistan, KKK? Are you friends with any Pakistanis, or otherwise have any first hand knowledge of the place? I know the answer of course, but I was wondering if you actually had any credible knowledge of the culture as a whole before parroting the latest Fasc news straw man as a way to sum it all up. I always maintain a shred of hope that you'll show some flicker of intelligence and perspective. Glass half full kinda guy and all that.
  25. tvashtarkatena


    We let a few disco-going, flight-simulator playing Arabs cut off our balls and gut our national character on 911. They won, hands down. Our 'librul', enlightened society is what separates us from the animals out there. It is, or was, or maybe never was, the ONLY thing that separated us from the animals. It's what makes us truly free. To those anti-librul, anti-intellectual nutjobs out there: Islamophobes ("It's not a race, dood!", homophobes, librulphobes, negro-president-phobes, fill-in-the-blank phobes out there, whose political agenda is essentially a (stupid) 9 year old's temper tantrum: Tens of millions of fundies, both at home and abroad, are cheering you on. Let's burn this shit down to the lowest common denominator!
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