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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. Zap goes the bug light. Know sigar btw.
  2. If you're looking for compassion from the Party of Sociopathy, well, good luck. Self interest, baby.
  3. This analysis recommends doing more in on the 'anti-narcotics' front. An excellent, historically proven strategy, fo sho. The Soviets tried that and wound up with a domestic heroin addiction problem. I'm sure the Ruskies are gleaning some entertainment value out of our latest fiasco. Remember that halcyon days when America actually had some good ideas? You know, going to the moon and shit?
  4. He certainly wasn't trying to harvest a new face.
  5. Can't wait for that White House spin job. "It is clear, however, that the US and ISAF have not yet shown that the new strategy is working, or that either the Afghan or outside resources are available to implement the necessary progress on a national scale. It is also likely that it will be at least the end of 2011 before it is clear whether the new strategy has a high probability of success, and actual success will take another half decade – if such a form of victory can be achieved." Linky
  6. I'm actually not joking. The producers aren't gonna pay a camera crew, guides, and The Thing From Wasilla to run around the muskeg looking for something to shoot. Standard procedure for game farmers. Raise them in a paddock, drug them for transport, truck them to the site, dump them out, and BAM! That'll be $5,000, thanks. This is exactly what Cheney and his friends were doing, during his infamous hunting trip. That's not hunting, that's just killing. The perfect pastime for these two celebrity sociopaths of the couch potato variety.
  7. I think she has a spine, however. I think Obama might have some cartilage in there somewhere. Really hard to tell. I'm thinking Jello mold in the shape of the presidential seal. Then again, we have the Tea Baggers guarding their McMansions from the unwashed welfare moms to deal with now. It's a numbers game.
  8. This is what happens when Madison Avenue creates a society where materialism, over egalitarianism, education, compassion, service and stewardship has become our most fiercely defended and cherished value. It's every man for himself, and every man fancies himself a futah playuh.
  9. You gotta love the reverse class warfare mantra - it's a propagandists wet dream. "War on the rich": "Darling, we'll have to finance this year's new Bugatti." "OH! Whatever shall we do? I just...don't feel that we should create as many jobs this year". LOL
  10. I'm actually not joking. The producers aren't gonna pay a camera crew, guides, and The Thing From Wasilla to run around the muskeg looking for something to shoot. Standard procedure for game farmers. Raise them in a paddock, drug them for transport, truck them to the site, dump them out, and BAM! That'll be $5,000, thanks.
  11. Realistically, we'd probably be in the exact same spot with Hillary, given her history and background. She's not exactly an 'outsider'.
  12. tvashtarkatena


    Flood Swedish roads with Chinese drivers. GAME OVER.
  13. For a minute there I had know idea what the fuck you were talking about, then I realized...you actually remember my old signatures. Awwwwwwwww. Step aside, Bill...you've been out-groupied!
  14. tvashtarkatena


    They're gonna take that big old standing army and...and...
  15. Oh, and Bill, I don't need a spokesperson just yet, but if you'd like, I'll let you take the cold coffee home after my next speaking engagement. I've also got some stuff around the house a moron could probably handle.
  16. You are ON THIS Bill!
  17. They edited out the part where it was pushed out of the back of a pickup truck.
  18. OK, OK, I'll let you give me a blow job next time I'm down south. Fucking groupies.
  19. Yeah. Let's go all Tea Bagger n do the I Got Mine FUCK YOU Dance. Materialism, Imperialism, Racism...the Dawn of a New America! FUCK Service, Compassion, Stewardship, and Education!
  20. Why, cuz i got you, li'l punkin.
  21. Playing Charge of the Light Brigade in Fuckedgomerstan has proven a lot more interesting, apparently.
  22. Both houses and the presidency and no public option. Keep suckin on it, Obama! Nummm nummm nummm.....
  23. He'll have to remove Big Pharma's cock from his mouth before he comments, however. Don't hold your breath, although his apparent ability to do so is uncanny.
  24. Yes He Does!
  25. I don't see any writing beyond a grocery list in your future Bill.
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