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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. When our currency finally collapses and hyperinflation takes over, we'll finally recognize the real enemy: each other.
  2. Time is free, and that's what our foe-de-jour has an unlimited quantity of. Who are we supposed to be fighting this week again? Money, desire, or time...we're tapped for all three. Back to that age old game of Waiting for the Assholes to Leave - a game the Afghans are really, really good at.
  3. The ME 262 and V2 rockets were supposed to be 'game changers' too. Looks like it'll take out a wedding party effectively, though.
  4. Irony thy name is J_B. Any one else notice J_B calls me a red baiter in a thread in which I have posted pictures of Putin and called him (Putin) both strong and sensitive? J_B calls me a "Fucking moron." We did notice...but you're still a fucking moron.
  5. Well, you got yer Fellini-esque I-tralians, who'd rather fuck than fight, then you got your steely eyed Russians, who nobody in their right mind would fuck with, and then you got...yer fuggazi cowboy blue blood frat boy psychopath who's killed about a bazillion innocent folks just cuz he could, while pretending to be the hick-next-door. Welcome to the land of sociopathic school marms.
  6. It's all about 'completing the mission' and 'doing your job'.
  7. Rockin it with the Bush/Cheney Merkin Psychopathy.
  8. I attack anyone, anywhere, at the time of my choosing.
  9. They'd would never have been able to get all those brown fernerz through customs anyway.
  10. Seems like there might be just a wee bit o projection going on here.
  11. You can't hang a snowman without due process. Just ain't right.
  12. tvashtarkatena


    Traitors or Heroes?
  13. The rats are ajumpin today, boyz!
  14. Like I've been sayin': The Rfucks hate blacks and blacks hate em right back.
  15. I'm thinking we ought to just kill the po black kids before they breed, if'n it's such a problem. Fuckin' animals, ya know?
  16. Yeah. Helluva luxury, cells phones with unlimited text messaging. Landlines only or no food stamps. Not to mention the 'don't feed the niggas lest they breed' remark. Tres Fasc. How about free birth control AND making sure kids get enough to eat? No punishment component, though, so the sociopaths desires must remain unfulfilled - and we all know THAT ain't gonna fly with you, eh FW? NO ONE'S GONNA SCREW YOU OVER, MAN.
  17. Not to mention the Big Box God thing. Dumbshitz uber alles and all that.
  18. At least the NAZI's were kinda cool. Great gadgets, spiffy uniforms, a wee bit o cross dressing here and there. Our suburban fascists are as boring and dumb as fuck.
  19. Cuz, you know, all lower income people smoke, so their kids deserve to be punished. Especially those loud, fat black chicks with too many kids, right KKK?
  20. Assuming their parents actually can't afford to buy them lunch. I mean fuck, at $7 a pack, how can you afford cigarettes AND lunches? Yup. Denying kids food is a much better way to curtail smoking than, say, the proven, more humane method of taxing cigarettes. Sociopathic punishment at its best.
  21. Watching the stimulus sublimate into the ether of falling real estate values and the fact that we are now the only nation willing to loan ourselves money due our crushing deficit spending, any further stimulus seems, mmm, impractical at this point. Such a stimulus won't go towards 'rebuilding our infrastructure'. We're simply not set up for that. Our major utility, communications, energy, and transportation infrastructure is primarily privately owned by various bickering entities - figuring out who to pay out and for what would be virtually impossible, politically and practically. If we had a nationalized grid, rail system, and communications system we might have a crack at job creation in those sectors, but we don't. Take the grid. It would be a great idea, for example, to build high voltage DC point to point long lines for greater efficiency, capacity, and flexibility in terms of bringing power from population poor, sun and wind rich areas to the major urban users. Good luck getting the three largely independent regions: West, East and...he he, TEXAS, and their clusterfuck of private owners to agree on who gets what money and for what. Yeah...see you in 100 years. If we had a national grid, this would be no problem. But...GOVERNMENT IS BAD, so we've got an aging, inefficient, gridlocked, inflexible clusterfuck. In areas where there is strong centralized, government ownership: our own BPA comes to mind, the grid is quite a bit more up to date and better managed than in other areas. Go figure. Notice how the stimulus didn't create fuck all for employment? Welcome to privatized America.
  22. I thought this might be helpful in this discussion: Washington State Budget
  23. When you've got nothin, go strange.
  24. Cheap. A decent paraglider setup runs $10K. A racing dingy costs a similar amount.
  25. Ireland's problems stem from the arseholes, lunatics, melancholics, drunks who inhabit it.
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