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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. And don't try 'em stateside...what if we lose???!!!!
  2. REVENGE. If the fuckers are innocent...CRY ME A RIVER, PUSSY!
  3. WikiLeaks has over a thousand mirror sites up now. Here, Kitty Kitty Kitty!
  4. Student protesters attacked the House of Parliament and Prince Charles's motorcade today in protest of the recently passed 3x increase in college tuition. One thing about the rich these days: They're more outnumbered more than they've ever been. Combine this with the WikiLeak cyberwar and the revolt of the Dems and its turning out to be a pretty interesting week. Portent of a great unraveling?
  5. The value of Gitmo is purely political: The Serenities of the world wanna GIT SOME. If that dysfunctional emotional ejaculation comes at the expense of our basic values, NO BIG!
  6. 'bout as many baseballs you've managed i reckon just wanted to thank letsroll for contributing something that i could actually appreciate...ya'll can ge back to solving the worlds problems now prole... solve problems... you are funny, Ivan Who'd you vote for in the last election and what problems do you think they'll solve? Don't worry, I'm not holding my breath for an answer of any substance....just thought I'd try a little quid pro quo.
  7. Or exactly the same, since I'm one of them. That's the way we rolled in 1959 baby!
  8. When you were born in a trailer, it's all good.
  9. And you're my number one huffer, bro! (real) humor must be like a language you just can't read. It must suck!
  10. Self inflicted, really.
  11. Imbecility is apparent to even the most pedestrian of intellects.
  12. Your misery index, anyway LOL
  13. Yet another joke that passes far, far over head.
  14. Just a wee bit premature, psychotard. The fact that you celebrate the possibility of Gitmo remaining open is unsurprisingly on theme. Anything to boost the human misery index, eh?
  15. Apology or gun pics. Which will it be this time?
  16. By all means tho we should continue to maintain real estate prices in The Hamptons w our health care dollars. That and hundreds of thousands of medical billing coders, our fastest growing industry, next to pet insurance that is.
  17. We've had multi versions of this system successfully in place for many decades. Nobody is 'losing money... But care sure is cheaper and far more available.
  18. Um...non profits dont set prices that lose money any more than for profits do. They just dont jack them up to maximize profits at the expenses of the public good like for profits do. Single payer would negotiate prices with competing non profits. Yes, sophistry, bait and switch, and misrepresenting your source material are all coommon jayb lying tactics. Right out of thr GOP playbook.
  19. Won't be long.
  20. The Lights are flashing now.
  21. Issa pittussytang thang
  22. I think BC would be open...we hate Ontario. Quebec can take their 'distinct society' and join Alabama. Maritimes is OK, we love Newfies, but honestly, half of them are already here. Seriously, though, there is a growing separation movement in Western Canada for various reasons. BC bud, Coast Range, Hut skiing, YES on Secession.
  23. Ive got a better shot at the GOP nomination than Palin at this point.
  24. Just her way of gettin Pa in on the take.
  25. Dry well here boys. Not for lack of trying though. Gud effort.
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