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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. The 'Global Left'? LOL
  2. Is our little Scotty Watty Poo making an attempt at...IRONY? Go, li'l Scotty, Go!
  3. Even a junkie needs a phone on hand at all times these days.
  4. Hippy bread is for people who don't know how to make good French bread.
  5. The Apple Genius told me that my only option was a new phone for a buck ninety nine. Fuck it, it's my only phone, so I opted for it rather than screw with jailbreaking Mumbai style - via chinks which Apple's devs actively plug on occasion. Apparently, the (previously owned) phone had all 4 submersion sensors tripped. Chris, you fuckin' douchebag! The chick looked up from the cash register and said "Merry belated Christmas. No charge. Here's your new phone." Fair enough. Thanks, Apple!
  6. Christ, who fucking cares?
  7. My iPhone is the least reliable gadget I own by far.
  8. bacon and... apple slices avocado endive, cream cheese, raisins
  9. Cydia is what you contract when you dock with an accessory that is not optimized for you...after you've been jailbroken.
  10. This Inez fr u Oly!
  11. The accessory will soon b a louiseville slugger f this continues. Very not optimized.
  12. I'm getting the infamous 'this accessory is not optimized for this iphone' error every few sec on my iPhone. Read the forums, met w the 'genius', cleaned the ports, restored to factory ... Worse than ever. Should I jailbreak it and use Cydia to delete the error code entirely? The phone is pretty much unusable at this point?
  13. Complaining about a perpetual pop iPod falling for the 'Apple Ploy'? U still buckin fr my new sig?
  14. I wrote fortran programs on IBM punch cards. Inferior bitches.
  15. or, more accurately, douche nozzle meets douche receptacle I clicked on Douchey Douchebaggery and your avatar appeared LOL!
  16. D black chicks call FW 'BlowFly'
  17. My chickens include a mix of Fred Meyer Frenchies and Country Prides.
  18. Aaah, I hate to watch this kind of disappointment unfold....
  19. I confess that I didn't watch it, actually. I can only wallow so far into this chickenshit.
  20. You'll find your bread makers at the end of your arms. If you wanna have a 'John Henry' style machine/man off, bring it.
  21. I found 'chicken house' profoundly disturbing.
  22. Five minutes of work: Whisk 1 tsp yeast into 1 5/8 cups warm water Mix 1 1/4 tsp salt into 3 cups King Arthur or equivalent bread flour by hand for a minute or so. Put dough into greased cast iron dutch oven. Let sit overnight. Bake at 450 for 45 minutes with lid on - no preheating of dutch oven necessary. Yum.
  23. I'm sorry, my son. It's just not in you.
  24. I really should relent and let you blow me already, cuz you really do try hard. Still...you get a FAIL for predictability.
  25. I never use Explorer cuz it blows. When Chrome fucks up, however, I resort to it. I just clicked on the Explorer icon and was offered an endless loop pop up to install a 'Bing Bar' - plastered all over my search results...with the 'We'll track all your navigation and send you ads' box pre-clicked of course. 'No thanks' just brought the pop up back in an endless loop of fuckedupedness. I finally had to Task Manager that shit out of existence. Is Microsoft hiring tea baggers now, cuz their shit's getting embarrassingly stupid. Or is this yet another hack? Thanks for the opportunity to vent about something that doesn't matter to people who couldn't care less.
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