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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. From a historical perspective, jays Jesus v mojo comparison is childish. Mojo was a reformer, particularly re womens rights. He was married exclusively to a Powerful merchant until her death. His reforms most certainly had a more rapid, wide reaching effect than Christ could have dreamed of.
  2. Seems like the bobsy twins have got this coverage. For the record , theist religions have been and continue to be strident promoters of ignorance, repression, and misery. The minute amount of charity they,ve performed has been vastly outweighed by their historical persecution of minorities, women, gays, the poor, the secular, public education, the scientific community, and people of other faiths and nationalities. The damage Christianity, our dominant cult, has done to the well being of this country and , given our power, the rest of the world is incalculable. Humanity would be far better off if monotheistic bigotry and superstition were replaced by secular humanist principles from the age of enlightenment.
  3. I hope it stays that way. Really. There were lots of leftists, secularists, etc out on the street in '79 but in the end they were routed by the most effectively organized, ideologically committed, and ruthless contingent amongst them. Think the same was true in 1919, 1789, etc. Hopefully they're an exception to the rule, but I'm not sure that the compass needle is pointing towards an Arab Netherlands emerging there in the wake of significant political reforms. I happens. Your patronizing view of Egyptians as mostly radical and violent muslims is that of a typical fuck head, however. What do you really know of Middle Eastern culture? Nothing, really.
  4. We know how much you love Muslims, though.
  5. That's interesting. By all reports the revolution in Egypt seems to be almost entirely secular so far.
  6. Skin? Exoskeleton, dood.
  7. Hey FF: My Volant puffy is falling apart...after 26 years of severe abuse. I have four of FF bags - awesome. They're made here, so any mod you want, half zip, color, whatev, no problem. Bought a down hood and they put snaps on my old trashed FF Volant and a new Mountain Hardwear parka (sorry FF...REI basement deal)...free of charge. FF is old school...and I like that. Oh, and for the School Marms here, Big Man Wu has a message for ya...
  8. Do you have any posts yet where you've been successful in not going out of your way to be an A-hole? Nevermind. Beck's not the only guy with unrequited gun play fantasies, apparently.
  9. Interesting to contrast Fox's own reporter in Cairo with that same program's Team Freak Out: Fox report from Cairo They could save a sweet bit o cash by just dropping guys like this from the payroll. I mean, why bother?
  10. The last thing Fasc Noose wants to see is a free thinking people who will no longer put up with being humiliated. Beck's probably rubbing it raw at the thought of a shitload of A-rabs being gunned down.
  11. CC's self appointed spokesmoron SHOULD know the current buzz, dood. Do your job.
  12. Funny what a few hundred thousand regular folks milling around downtown can do for your approval rating. Didn't work here in 2003, though.
  13. Just wanted everyone to know that, due to popular uprising, I've fired my cabinet.
  14. Oh well, Fasc Jocks are nothing new.... The Good Father Coughlin
  15. One isn't supposed to derive any practical plan of action from Faux Reportz. One is just supposed to GET REALLY WORRIED AND PISSED !!!!! AL QAEDA IS TAKING OVER EGYPT!!!! WHADDAYA GONNA DO ABOUT IT OBAMA???? HUH???? CAT GOT YER TONGUE????????!!!!!!!
  16. Runnamoc or "Motion Denied"
  17. There's nothing a fascist hates more than self determination.
  18. You're wrong Rudy, this is about the only forum where you're SUPPOSED to be able to do that. This isn't your wrestling team, its more like your 4 year old daughter's tutu wearing soccer club. You might have issued a similar comment to Cynical after his FUs all around in response to some pretty sound, if hard to hear, advice. Just sayin...
  19. Ching chong, Abon carring
  20. - sigh -
  21. Hello? Is this thing on?
  22. Will someone please tell the op the he is, in fact, really, really smart already? Anyone?
  23. I wasn't referring to schumer.
  24. Watching stupid pet tricks saddens me.
  25. Linky
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