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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. I've been informed by a self appointed authority on the subject that I'm no longer providing any value here.
  2. High speed rail is a less expensive and more efficient means of travel between cities 500 miles apart or less than air. In terms of fuel costs, air travel doesn't even come close. Furthermore, such trains can be powered off the grid from renewables. Planes cannot. Still, in an age when collaboration requires very little travel, $60 billion would buy us a modernized, optimized grid. This would increase overall efficiency by 20%, paying itself back well within a year.
  3. Pink, stand at attention when addressing a first ascent party member. And wipe that shit off your chin.
  4. Uh...you guyz shouldn't really climb a route with a disputed name. Maybe if you got Pink's written permission....
  5. FW's posts are fully self contained.
  6. i bet i look a hell of lot better shriveled up naked in corned shaking than you do Personally, I don't go for getting 'naked in corned', but I fully support your right to.
  7. You know its true, and, deep down, you're hurting. We all feel that way, sometimes. Well, I don't...but most of us, anyway.
  8. I stand by my oath, if not my oaths.
  9. Just wondering what you're hoping to get out of all this, buddy.
  10. that's one way to do it
  11. Did the Pink that used to be irreverent and sharp dull into just another innernut tool?
  12. Oh God...truly sad.
  13. Welcome to the Petty Forum. No Pink, the Stone Soup crowd wasn't aware of your amazing first ascent of the...1st pitch...or was it two whole pitches...wait, what was it again? Obviously, everyone's very impressed down here. If this is what middle age looks like for ya, that sucks.
  14. This constitutes early notification that I shall soon provide a detailed account of whom I shall heretofor ignore and why. As an addendum to that missive, I shall also compare and contrast my prodigious and oft cited history, no better word for it, of first ascents with the paltry analog of my detractors. When I compare my Everestesque accomplishments, which come so naturally to those of us gifted with a proper diet of moral fibre and Right mindedness, with that of those who must meekly depend on their more industrious brethren for they're daily bread, well...it is to laugh!
  15. After reading this I reluctantly spray painted my ChevyVan white.
  16. Most of the democratic world has secular governments and freedom of religion. It shouldn't be too hard to cherry pick from these numerous examples to get a new government started. Religiously based parties can exist within these systems, provided there is a separation of church and state regarding policy. The existence of our own GOP proves this, although they've never quite gotten the whole separation thing.
  17. I choose to plunge a fork deep into my forehead and scream.
  18. Kimmo has kindly shared the new word 'sharia' with us, likely just one of many pearls harvested from his copious research.
  19. Given the ample girth of our population, a prohibition on dancing would be a good thing. An anti-spandex rider would also be welcome.
  20. i'd say the fact that the muslim brotherhood garnered as much support as they did is quite meaningful. they were an outlaw party during the elections, facing monumental challenges from the government, with widespread fraud, yet they still managed to have a sizable contingency elected. in an entirely "open" election process (with massively moneyed western-backed candidates in opposition!), how would they do? i have no idea, but i wouldn't bet against them (in a 90% muslim country). and having the muslim brotherhood in power should be a concern to anyone who cares about human rights, women's rights, democracy, and other such core values. the taliban were not a very pretty group of individuals. Yes, because, as you have so adroitly pointed out, with the aid of FOX, Muslim Brotherhood = Taliban.
  21. Do it. Dare ya. Even thought the cartoonist has helpfully initialed each character, I still can't tell who they're supposed to be...or why...
  22. Well, there are election results, then there are actual results: "And while Reagan somewhat slowed the marginal rate of growth in the budget, it continued to increase during his time in office. So did the debt, skyrocketing from $700 billion to $3 trillion. Then there's the fact that after first pushing to cut Social Security benefits - and being stymied by Congress - Reagan in 1983 agreed to a $165 billion bailout of the program. He also massively expanded the Pentagon budget. Meanwhile, following that initial tax cut, Reagan actually ended up raising taxes - eleven times." You trot out election results in that "end of story, don't fuck with the myth" fashion when you've got nothing else to show for a candidate's 8 years on office. It's like trotting out Ken Lay's hiring offer to prove that he was, in fact, awesome.
  23. Hamiltonian SMACKDOWN!!!!
  24. And, for the Righty Tighties: Keep Pot Illegal...Starve a Bus Driver!
  25. Every little bud counts.... or In support of teachers: Smoke weed...for our children's sake.
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