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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. tvashtarkatena


    Not necessarily towards protesters and others, however.
  2. tvashtarkatena


    You have no idea how much I wish the South had won independence.
  3. tvashtarkatena


    The SPD does have a history... ...and that's why their policing practices are currently under review, top to bottom. Clearly, they've taken a wrong turn, somewhere. Of course, the militarization of police across the country indicates that the problem isn't very isolated. People think the police won't fuck with the old during a demonstration. That's WHO they fuck with...anyone who has zero chance of fighting back. It sends a message...it's less risky...and it's beyond hyper fucked up. I love the 'Oh, this (peaceful) demonstration is costing us so much!' argument. Uh...yeah, when you deploy 4 choppers, armored vehicles, 2000 riot cops, and 17 other agencies, um...yeah, that's gonna cost a lot. Wasn't exactly the protesters who ordered up the response, though.
  4. Thank you Richard M. Nixon. You've given our country so much...for so long, now.
  5. "Half naked climber"...oh, wow...so the guy had his shirt off. STRANGE.
  6. Does anyone else find it interesting that having a mushroom in your pocket is a felony? Jesus fucking krist this country needs to get a life....
  7. tvashtarkatena


    Dispensaries are watched closely. No shit, Sherlock. The smart ones know that, and dot their 'i's and cross their 't' extra special pretty like. Not the best place to distribute weed illegally. The dumbshits who 'wing it' fuck it up for the rest. That's assuming, of course, that the federal charges have any basis in reality, which is a pretty big assumption. Wonder if the dispensary down the street got busted? I've got to run up and check...
  8. Pick you partners carefully. If my partners called in a rescue every time I was "not acting right", I'd never get up anything.
  9. Want. PM sent.
  10. It's going to be so wonderful to see Michigan's economy flourish under this new wisdom. The pet rabbit industry is going explode!
  11. Dood, you might consider pickin' up that ole bong again...just to give yer liver a rest.
  12. tvashtarkatena

    Ron Paul

    Kucinich suing Nader. Now that would be hawt. You know what I'm talkin' about...
  13. tvashtarkatena

    Ron Paul

    Nader is a barnacle on Paul's Waterworld Set.
  14. I'm mixin' ya a virtual Mai Tai, Sobo. Planet killer. Happy howeverthefuck old you iz.
  15. tvashtarkatena

    Ron Paul

    Those two have been circle jerkin' it for years. If you hung out wit da cool kids, youda known it.
  16. Didja ever manage to score any strange offa that tranny? Cuz she seems pretty gone after you took an interest....
  17. tvashtarkatena

    Ron Paul

    God, will you take his cock out of your mouth already, you fucking remora?
  18. I'm just cryin' my heart out over here. Poor bankers!
  19. Butt fuck economics. That shit is a bore hole. Plus, I have no fucking clue what's going in Europe right now. Italy's ass ramming the EC or some shit. Somebody made the mistake of trusting those gumbahz...UH-GAIN. Then there's Zorba. "Gee, we gave this skeezy Greek guy a shitload of money and he hasn't paid us back." NO SHIT? Screwed by the gypsies? Go Figure. Fuck you and eat it, dumbshit.
  20. What should, and probably will happen eventually, is that Greece will fundamentally restructure its obviously unpayable debt and its creditors will get screwed. The idea that creditors should be completely immune from pain in situations where they bear a significant responsibility is standard asset stripper bullshit.
  21. tvashtarkatena

    Ron Paul

    I'll never forgive him for bringing the tricorn back.
  22. I've stayed at Freezeout and Tungsten...rustic (ie, rodent friendly). I'm guessing Sheep Lake is near Sheep Mountain (boundary trail). Haven't been to that one.
  23. Well, its time to come clean. The ACLU really IS running the CIA.
  24. "I'm gonna wait to see how long Qaddafi holds on to power before I make my decision."
  25. The lamestream media may not reward 'genuine', but they sure like to gut 'phoney'.
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