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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. Cain: "I will no longer talk about it." Perry: "I am not able to talk about it." Santorum: "I'd LOVE to talk about it!" Bachmann: "What are we talking about?" Gringrich: "I talked about that in my 17th book." Paul: "Chemtrails!"
  2. The only purpose the GOP serves these days is to scare normal folks into getting off their ass to vote. Been talking to a lot of Democratic chairs in WA lately to get endorsements for I-502. Yeah. Politics does attract a pretty 'special' bunch... From Rick "99 Counties!" Santorum to Herman "Neun Neun Neun! (woman's voice)" Cain, to Rick "1, 2, Oops" Perry, I will say that this has been an extremely satisfying season for watching the GOPs loudest shitbags get what's coming to them. Today the media narrative is "let's take another look at Newt" LOL.
  3. Cain's campaign actually threatened any additional women who were thinking of coming forwards, stating that the campaign would place them under 'intense scrutiny'. O...just a min...I've got to take a moment to sign Ron Paul's DECLARATION OF AMERICAN SOVEREIGNTY on the banner ad appearing right now, cuz, you know, we're all pretty worried about our sovereignty being violated this election Cain's problem is that his staff is only about 3 people (he's never taken any of this seriously), so...good luck with the witch hunt, Herman.
  4. NPR did a spot on Rick Santorum, who won all of 5% support in Iowa after an exhausting tour of every one of its 99 counties. Quote: "Morality IS the economy!" I cannot for the life of me figure out why this guy isn't leaving the pack behind.
  5. Where's Huntsman (the only credible candidate) in all of this?
  6. Reality TV's oldest idol (ever since Thurmond kicked).
  7. He still can't scare up those 3 chicks' names, though.
  8. Djyall catch the debate? Me neither.
  9. Wrong on that one, too.
  10. Any recommendations for backcountry cabins in WA? Fee or free. I'm familiar with the fire lookouts already....
  11. It's payback for being an utter shithead. MN didn't really have a deficit problem until the Rfucks showed up and cut taxes...then tried to blame it on unions. It's like a rout...best way to rally the troops is to let 'em see a couple of enemy's bloodied backsides high tailing it for the hills.
  12. tvashtarkatena


    The gulls around here are almost as large as turkeys....
  13. tvashtarkatena


    I'm actually thinking racoon to save a little $$$. Got a family of em living up the street, and I don't think the hosts will miss 'em.
  14. tvashtarkatena


    Looks like it'll be leg of lamb and whiskey for Thanksgiving this year.
  15. Underway. 540,000 signatures needed, about $1.5M worth. Let the games begin...it's payback, time.
  16. tvashtarkatena


    I just spent some o the morning calling all the Democrats county and legislative district chairs to get I-502 endorsements. No comment, save UGH.
  17. tvashtarkatena


    i wasn't saying that there was a correlation...merely that the statement that there would be additional revenue would mean more drunk people. regardless of how you get the alcohol into your body, its being taxed pretty heavily. Yeah, that's why I don't buy the 'spike in revenue' thing. Alcohol consumption has steadily declined in the past few decades, despite a huge increase in availability. Presumably, this is due to aging, better substance abuse awareness, more stringent DUI and underage laws, and raising the drinking age to 21 in a lot of states. IMO, this measure will do little to reverse that trend.
  18. tvashtarkatena


    There is no correlation between the regulation of alcohol (state liquor stores versus free market) and per capita drinking by state. CA (free market) has about the same per capita annual alcohol consumption as WA, for ex. OR, also a liquor store state, has significantly higher consumption than WA and CA. Drinking patterns are dependent on more local, complicated factors than the simplistic 'availability' argument attempts to suggest. Once a product is available past a certain threshold, more availability doesn't do much to change consumption patterns. The idea that hordes of folks will suddenly increase their drinking because they can get hard alcohol 10 blocks closer seems like bullshit to me. People will drink about the same...they may substitute liquor for beer or wine, but I don't buy the whole 'drunker Washington' argument. Booze of any kind is readily available enough now to allow anyone to drink their fill, so they are probably already drinking at their 'saturation' level now. Similarly, I don't buy the whole 'massive increase in tax revenue' argument, either.
  19. tvashtarkatena


    I was disgusted by the anti-1183 propaganda. Classic nanny state bullshit and associated scare tactics.
  20. tvashtarkatena


    Fawk dat. Better Meat's 5 blocks away.
  21. tvashtarkatena


    Being a creepy, Cain-esque artist, I need to be surrounded by hotties, not rhinos, for a satisfying shopping experience. That's why I choose TJ's, the yuppie epicenter of the universe, for nearly all of my hunting and gathering. I can't stand big stores. It's like shopping at the fucking airport, without the free crotch massage.
  22. tvashtarkatena


    Life is too short for shopping at Costco. They could give that shit away for free; the assault on the senses still wouldn't be worth it. I'd bet most people wind up throwing away more than they save anyway.
  23. Grand Torino blew worst of all. UGH. The Unforgiven was his last decent flick. He should have stopped right there. OK, Letters was OK.
  24. Clint gives 'past due date' a whole new meaning. How does Charleton feel about Cain?
  25. Leave it to the Kristians to come up with the concept that a 'person' need not have a brain.
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