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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. "Libya...that was in the news for something recently..."
  2. We're easily amused. What's a shill to do?
  3. I think Michael Moore parks one in his eye popping mansion's garage.
  4. That's because Corvair owners have kept Nader alive. Have you seen the price of those suckers lately?
  5. This was a classic example of an attacker who was able to gain possession of this woman's arm during an assault.
  6. tvashtarkatena

    Ron Paul

    Wow. Paul was against a bullshit drive to war that fully half the country could see right through at the time. He's a 50 percenter, fo shiz! He also believes in personhood for fertilized human eggs...fucking nutter.
  7. What, after all, makes a shark A SHARK? Is it teeth? One row? Three? Bits of Billibong stuck in those teeth? One thing is clear: The Founders damn well knew a shark when they saw one.
  8. He killed the production of a pretty cool car that wasn't really any more unsafe than any other car of the period...not exactly a Martin Luther King there, but that's cool. Stiffed a lot of his 'paid' campaign staff (and yes, I know one personally)...but when you believe in Free Money, that's cool, too.
  9. You would not be the first to draw such a conclusion, good sir!
  10. Now, here's where we fall into the zone of as yet unexplored stare decisis: balancing the right of a surfer to bare arms versus the right of a shark to bear the same arm.
  11. You must be joking. Nader, Kucinich and others had no problem handling the national stage except for the corporate media deciding their candidacy didn't warrant being covered. Or it could have been because Nader and Kucinich are utter assclowns. Just sayin....
  12. It's FunnY that, the Principles with Which, Although readiLy apparent and Therefore Inarguable, Shall so Remain.
  13. I'm picturing something that oozes inside of some other dead thing, but that would be an insult to oozing things everywhere. I'm trying to get Democrat endorsements for I-502 right now. DON'T GET ME STARTED.
  14. "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." If you can get over the grammatical fail, and that maintaining a militia will most certainly result in an ATF/FBI raid on your compound, its pretty clear that folks need not worry about having their arms removed. A 2 year old chimp could have come up with something better, (actually, 48 of 50 states have come up with something better) but... HAVE YOU READ IT?????
  15. Are you talking about the repub's or the dem's? They're all a bunch of shitbags. True. Dems are spineless, do nothing shitbags, and Rfucks are openly rapacious,asset stripping, non-egalitarian, wealth concentrating at the expense of the public good, violence loving shitbags.
  17. I don't recall the 2nd Amendment placing any restrictions on prior violent criminal convictions or mental stability, either. We need to unburden ourselves from all that case law chaff and GET BACK TO WHAT THE FOUNDERS INTENDED. It's all right there, man. HAVE YOU READ IT? HAVE YOU READ YOUR CONSTITUTION?
  18. It's constitutional!
  19. Fuck voting...you wanna send a message, shoot 'em point blank in the temple.
  20. Aw, that just breaks my heart! Gin up a candidate who can handle the horrors of the national stage and maybe that won't be a problem.
  21. Until the convention, that is. Remember who the audience is these days...it's not the 'average voter'. It's the loony tunes that constitute the inner circle of both parties.
  22. Gin up a 3rd Party Candidate to say shit as stupid as Paul does, fuck up as bad as Perry does, or grope like Cain does and you'll have your coverage, straight away.
  23. Nope. They definitely wanna fuck the weak, too. After all, they're losers, draggin' us down. It's all about punishment. Gotta have it...lots and lots of it. Any other approach is for pussies.
  24. I totally support the right of individuals to huff in the privacy of their own compounds, but I'd be afraid Bill might break out the snuff porn once he cozied up a bit.
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