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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. Race card overplayed...time for the God card. I've seen some GOP desperation for the sake of winning the hearts and simple minds of Iowans, but sweet Jebus, has this man no shame?
  2. An app that would fuck you while climbing, lube or no lube. That that would make $.
  3. Plus, I'd wager that the average Somali pirate has a lot more fun at work than the average cube monkey or Denny's server or cube monkey.
  4. Oh, I don't know. When the zombies come, you wanna be driving a Prius or a 78 Datsun pickup? Rule changes tend to flip things around a bit. After we're loooonnng gone, Mexico will still be Mexico.
  5. Guess that's not all... We still think we're better than everybody else, apparently, but not so much as before.... "According to a report issued on Thursday by the Pew Research Center’s Global Attitudes Project, when Americans were asked if they agreed with the statement “our people are not perfect but our culture is superior to others,” only 49 percent agreed. That’s down from 60 percent in 2002, the first time that Pew asked the question." 49%? CHEERIST. Try crossing a border every once in a while, folks. Ya might learn something.
  6. Religion: Turning nice people into not-nice people since the first psychotic caveman learned to speak.
  7. Census data just issued a report that 1/3 of America is either under or near the poverty line. That is all.
  8. You two have fun together, now!
  9. Oh, the Mormons are SUPER nice...until your a gay person trying to get hitched in CA. Then...not so nice. Hence, all these fucking billboards. Oh well, beats the "Did you know I've got fingernails at 32 weeks?" bullshit.
  10. Eat Pray Love Poo
  11. Love Health Beauty Purpose
  12. While I agree with you one hundred percent on this, I gotta smirk when I see you supporting your premises with citations from the same "tired, dusty old document" that you openly mock when it's contents prove ideologically inconvenient. No clue what your on about here...I'd guess it's yer brain not workin' right again, but that's coo!
  13. Can o sand worms, that one. I don't believe any religion should tax deductible (seems like a violation of the 1st amendment, as the state must invariably choose who is a legitimate religion and who is not), but I do think that religions should be able to establish non-profit organizations that serve the public...but that service should not include evangelizing and the like. If religions were banned from forming tax deductible service organizations, they could easily argue that such a ban constitutions religious descrimination (the state would be in the same position of deciding who was a 'religion' and who was not'. Either that, or all charities would have to pay taxes...and that would, um, stifle charitable giving a bit - probably not in the public interest, considering how much charities do (that government does not or cannot).
  14. I think when the number of molested children starts to number in the hundreds of thousands, "isolated" doesn't quite cut it anymore.... If the Catholic church had an ounce of decency, it would disband in shame.
  15. No one said that the people who are working work less hard when they're at work. What the data shows is that since the early 70's their trend labor-force participation rates and annual hours worked have been declining versus the US. Percent of adults working * years worked * average hours per year. Aggregate those differences over millions of lifetimes over a few decades and the difference in total output per capita is quite large. Factor in declining fertility and they get even larger in the future. Matters quite a bit if you want to borrow money from people now in exchange for a claim on your population's future earnings. Factor in superior outcomes from working smarter and making better decisions and the total hours worked doesn't even begin to reflect actual human output and contribution. But then, to someone where everyone is a 'unit of production', that might be tough, non-linear concept to grasp. You'd be a great manager...cerca 1875 or so.
  16. "Get a load of US!"
  17. Get ready for the GOP's next round of sound byte idiocy oneupsmanship...
  18. Ah, yes, Catholics. I found out a couple of decades after the fact that 4 out of 11 boys in my Catholic grade school class were molested by priests a the CYO camp I went to for 3 summers. An Irishman told me just last night that 1 in 4 Irish men have been molested. Isolated incidents here and there, doncha know! Can't paint the whole religion with so broad a brush!
  19. I don't think momo underwear is such a big secret. I used to play squash with a momo who didn't seem to be trying to hide it too much in the locker room. Every once in a while I'd fire a squash ball into his back and yell "THAT one's for Liberace!"
  20. We're gonna wind up soshulist whether we like it or not.
  21. Didn't think so. I have. Extensively...in Europe. France, England, Germany, Netherlands mostly. Newsflash: They work just as hard as we do...but in general they tend to have more egalitarian values than higher ethical thresholds than the shitheels that constitute your darling political party. That may be why they're pretty far ahead of us in internet connectivity and speeds, cell phone technology, coverage, and quality of service, large project engineering, health care....
  22. Ever work with any Europeans (in Europe), Jay?
  23. Bone's your go to guy for trad songs.
  24. You'd think that after a lifetime of bickering sister wives and screaming rug rats, you'd want to lord over a planet of party dolls.
  25. When Kristians claim the gay lifestyle threatens to destroy the family, more often than not, they're spot on.
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