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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. All controversial changes are hard fought and usually involve challenges afterwards. Bidness as usual. What, you wanna fight and not have to take any punches? Doesn't work that way.
  2. %5? I'll bet ya $10 beyotch.
  3. "Influencing politics" is not a quantifiable accomplishment, nor should it be any movement's goal. Political movements that seek substantive change should have the goals of winning elections (not merely participating in them), implementing policies, and passing legislation. Always play to win.
  4. My discussions with some of the most conservative folks around this state...in Pacific, Okanogan, Lewis, and other counties - people who I've personally seen go from "WTF?" to "Let's Endorse This" leads me to believe that it's not only possible, but likely that voters will go for it. That rational liquor policy passed by a wide margin, as I recall.
  5. I'm always curious about these desperate, doomed-to-fail quests by folks who seem reasonably talented and generally decent. Why waste those talents on such projects? Such 'statements' last all of the two weeks it takes for the news cycle to get bored with them. It's often posited that the Democratic party cannot be reformed. I don't believe that for two reasons. One: the other side successfully 'reformed' their party through years of grass roots organizing - running for school boards, state legislative positions, etc...turning it to the rabid party of anti-reason, anti equal rights, anti-women, and anti compassion, all in Jeeee-sus' name. I've been working with Country democrat chapters to get their endorsements for I502. Initially, I thought: Wow, useless party. After a couple of months of seeing folks change their mind and act on a substantive issue that was initially alien and frightening to them, I've changed my mind regarding what is possible. The problem is this: Reforming the Democratic party (which is happening now in some areas) will take years and millions of hours of advocacy across the country, from the bottom up. That's a lot of organizing, a lot of fund raising, a lot of work, and a lot of belief in what's possible. No one (or two, or three) cult charisma candidate is going to change the tide. Magically turn Obama into Ralph Nader and you don't get a sea change in politics...you get a lame duck Ralph Nader sporting an American Flag Lapel Pin. Reforming the Democratic Party - the only realistic path towards true social justice and environmental stewardship in this country, and a much, much easier one than rebuilding thousands of county, state and federal LD party chapters and their electoral engines. Why start from scratch when, through good old fashion civil discourse, focus, long term commitment, and perseverance, you can change the direction of such an unwieldy ship from within?
  6. Sitting on top of 2 trillion barrels may have had something to do with this long expected move. I'd say the country is ripe for invasion from the South. Don't think Shell, Syncrude, or Suncor would have a problem with that. Canada's closet evangelicals would practically rapture at the thought. Might be the only profitable war we probably wouldn't have to fight.
  7. As of Saturday, I502 had 286,000 signatures. 241,000 valid signatures are required. The project will continue to gather 22,000 signatures per week until the deadline of Dec 30, to account for any margin of error. In other words, this is now real. If the legislature doesn't pass I502 as is first, it will appear on the 2012 November ballot. I've been gathering endorsements from Country Chapter Democrats. It usually takes a couple of months of introducing and discussing the issue before a vote on endorsement is taken. We've had prohibition for so long, now, that legalization, even though there aren't really any cogent arguments against it, seems like an alien concept for a lot of people. "Can we actually do that?" "Yup."
  8. Mt. Adams (S. Spur) is a good non-glaciated trainer for Rainier. Eldorado is also a good suggestion, although that does involve glacier travel. Mt. Daniel is also a nice trip. Conditions can get pretty icy in August. If you're just looking to get up high and get some training in, Maude is a great trip with a reasonable approach...not much snow in Aug on that one.
  9. Trip: Hidden Lake Peak - Date: 12/2/2011 Trip Report: Josh K and I clipped into our freshly waxed skis and headed up to HLP. We joined Tyson and his 3 Bham buddies for a birthday party in the lookout. Skiing wasn't great, but still... Slideshow Pics are a mix from Josh and me. Approach Notes: Significant wind crust and slidy frozen ground make this trip interesting from an avi perspective. AWD got us to 2300 - the summit is 6900.
  10. Bump. It's off to Goodwill tomorrow...
  11. Actually, I had a very friendly PM exchange with two mods over 'the incident'. You weren't one of them.
  12. Wrong! Sure, you can get in trouble for hit and run, or running a red light, etc. but NOT for riding a bike drunk. Trust me, I've looked into it They can offer you a ride home, but you can refuse. They can impound your bike (if you're a threat to yourself) but can't charge you to get it back. http://apps.leg.wa.gov/rcw/default.aspx?cite=46.61.790 Oh, yeah? Well...my SHITS ARE BIGGER THAN YOU.
  13. Why, yes you can. A friend, and very strong cyclist, hit a car, flipped over the hood, grabbed his newly fucked up bike, and kept riding till the cops chased him down. It took them a while, apparently. I've seen him riding town. The guy is FAST.
  14. I would have included a mushroom cloud, just to let em know we're packin.
  15. Antenna and battery pack.
  16. Remarkably hairless for 1977....
  17. For Canon Powershots, battery model NB-5L. I have two Canon versions and one shitty aftermarket version. Camera's dead. Batteries are still fine. Phinney Ridge. Pick up only.
  18. Next up for the holidays: Flaming Scorpion Bowl.
  19. That's a tvashticized version of the original Trader Vic's mai tai recipe. Mai Tai Mix? BLAAACH!
  20. It's amazing to look back on what's happened since then - thousands of extra solar planets discovered, all the planets visited (save Pluto...2015 for that one), the Mars program, comet samples taken...wow. What a great age of exploration to witness.
  21. I live to serve, but not to imbibe.
  22. From Cain's campaign site: "I was not surprised that I was viciously attacked once I rose in the polls. I was surprised by the nature of the attacks. Me, a womanizer? I would never have thought they’d come up with that one. But I knew the establishment would not like the idea of my success, because I will not get along by going along like so many do.... .... The process by which we choose our nation’s leader is ridiculous. There is little focus on policy substance and even less on candidates’ governing skills.... ....All I need to do now is advocate for solutions that work, under the auspices of TheCainSolutions.com, and that will have two essential elements. One is to better educate the American people about the nature of the problems we face. There is still too little understanding of the severity of our debt and fiscal crisis. That is why members of Congress lack the political will to solve the problem. They perceive that they will pay a steeper price for taking action than they will pay for doing nothing. That is no excuse for such poor leadership, but the fact remains that if we can change the political dynamic – so that the people are demanding action rather than rewarding inaction – we will be able to change the results. The second element is to advocate for solutions that actually work. I was amused by the criticism I received for frequently mentioning my 9-9-9 tax reform, particularly by those who referred to it as a “catch phrase” and so forth, clearly demonstrating that they didn’t grasp what it’s all about. The 9-9-9 plan is the biggest transfer of power from government back to the people since the beginning of this nation. That’s what they are afraid of."
  23. Voyager nearing interstellar space
  24. I do it all the time. Yamamoto even died in a cool way: shot down by a P 38.
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