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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. If you need axle grease and coffee in the color mix, I've got a few hundred SF to donate as well....
  2. Being a truly gracious host means you cook AND clean. That's the way I was learnt...
  3. The fetus depicted is about 12 weeks...beginning of the 2nd trimester. Abortion is legal, but restrictions in some states begin at that point. Most states have substantial restrictions on abortions after the start of the 3rd trimester. Yup...helps to discuss the issues (intelligently, that is)!
  4. Actually, we discuss it all the time with the public, mostly how ridiculous it is to equate the right of a zygote (which looks nothing like the photo above, BTW...you'd think a 'father' would know that shit, but I guess the only qualification there is an inability to hold your load) with a full grown mother - no, an acorn does not equal an oak tree. Fortunately, the public, even in Bible Belt states like Mississippi, seem to get this, even if you don't. Libtards to the rescue: Here's a quick education on what a zygote actually looks like:
  5. Just because you were nixed as Creative Sig Director last time, despite a tsunami of entries submitted, doesn't mean you have to stay mad.
  6. Maybe just a little bit more school will do the trick....
  7. Ah, but there's always that one that's just right, waiting for your discovery, sometime in the future....
  8. No, Bone, it hasn't passed, but thanks adding to the innernutz more ignorant, unchecked opinions, borne of that lump of PlayDough between your ears. The House and Senate are now hammering out a joint bill that includes the same language. NOW is the time to write your congressman.
  9. Just got my new sig...
  10. This may be the beginning of a beautiful, pre-emptive relationship....
  11. It's called 'giving' Bone. Usually doesn't involve 'expecting anything in return'. Didn't read the link, of course, but I'd say the complainer might also review this definition. Kids today!
  12. From the site you just referenced: "Barack Obama on Gun Control Democratic nomine for President; Junior Senator (IL)" What's a 'nomine'? The poster also failed to mention that the questionnaire, if it's real at all, is supposedly from 16 years ago. I'd definitely question anything from this site, much less it's parrots. Fair and Balanced.
  13. Bone's Repost timer is really short
  14. Lemon, lime...as you like it. That's what a mai tai's all about: your own personal tropical vacation.
  15. I prefer a president who's at least savvy enough to lie believably. One look at Cain and you're all like, Really?
  16. LOL.
  17. I knew a guy from V.Tech. His name was Dickbo. Or maybe it was Dick Bo. Never spelt it afore.
  18. Too bad. I was about to recount the most spectacular alcohol related fatality at my high school. Oh well....another time.
  19. Accurately characterizing a situation isn't exactly your strong suit, so... ...3 women accusers, two undisputed sexual harrassment settlements totalling nearly $100K, and a 13 year affair into which he put a substantial amount of money. His wife didn't even know 'they were friends'. The public has concluded, correctly IMO, that Cain may have a bit of a lying problem. He simply stinks too much to take a chance on as president. That's on top of the fact that his proposals are so idiotic as to be cartoonish. The man is obviously a buffoon.
  20. A kid in my high school jugged a fifth of vodka. He was so out of it afterwards his drunk friends put him in the car trunk for the ride home. When the opened it up to let him out, he was dead. Alcohol killed a fair number of fellow students during my high school years. The most spectacular was a head on collision between a van full of high school drunks going 130 mph and a car going 50...do the math. There wasn't much left to clean up. Then there was the guy who hit a wall at 60 mph on his motorcycle. He lived...sort of. And the neighbor kid who fell off a beach cliff and died. That was before his brother was killed riding on the fender of a car...that hit a tree. I could go on, but you get the point.
  21. Anybody know how far up you can drive on the Hidden Lake Peak access road?
  22. That would have been Colleen's job, and she made fine work of it. Actually, she did most of the cooking while I cleaned the place up and tried to fix, but wound up breaking, a 1941 toaster. Some guys watch the game.... My contribution was baking french bread, whipping the cream, and making coffee. I think I might have chopped something up, too.
  23. Same here, only it was Tobasco. Big bottle. They dragged him off to sick bay, afterwards. Saw another guy do a bottle of ketchup. I guess the second guy was trying to one up. He did.
  24. Turned out the 19 pounder was frozen. the outside was thawed in the store. Or something. Anyhoo, we panicked and ran out and bought another one (non-frozen). So now, I'm dealing with the frozen one. Which is thawed now. I think.
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