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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. Take America back! (for a refund)
  2. OMB: I'm headed to Smith for the weekend...my winter kayaking skills aren't up to dead vertical yet. I'll be out there for the next cold snap, though.
  3. tvashtarkatena


    Decent trend on the pot laws, though.
  4. tvashtarkatena


    Yeah, Colorado is a self centered douchiverse. You're fitting right in.
  5. You guys gonna ice fish so you can snag some fly photos of Guyz Holding A Big One?
  6. tvashtarkatena


    That's about par for what you've allowed yourself to become. Sad, but some folks find it easier to check their intellect at the door.
  7. And finally, Boulderians (Coloradans in general, really) employ expensive Ti rods (that match the finish on their mountain bikes) for up-the-ass-sticks. Wenatcheeans, if they use one at all, generally settle for rake handles from Walmart.
  8. Plus, I don't believe they allow any Hispanics within the Boulder city limits.
  9. It's like Boulder, only powered by Crystal Lite instead of crystals.
  10. Well, we didn't ski (you wouldn't have, either, given those conditions), and didn't want to advertise the location of said cabin, but I wanted to post a really cozy pic to show how much better a time we were having on Christmas than everyone else on the planet, plus I wanted another TR point for my failing race against Ivan, so i stuck it in one of the site's catch all dumpsters. As long as all of those objectives are achieved...
  11. The super PACs that are currently outspending the campaigns 3:1 in Iowa are all non profit corporations. Should it be OK for Soros or Murdoch to run ads as individuals while gagging less financially powerful folks who wish to pool their resources to get their message out? I don't believe so. The post citizens united world is turning out to be a big yawn. More $ is being spent on media, providing jobs, but it's the same ole attack ad environment that favors no particular viewpoint. Free speech is no longer restricted by the unsupported whims of Congress. Despite all the whining about CU, I've yet to meet one complainant who is sdvacating for congress to produce evidence of substantial harm for independent ads - a path left wide open by SCOTUS.
  12. So, Bham Boyz, you'll have to burn the cabin down without me. Give Minny my love. She's a good mouse, not a great mouse, but steady, reliable. I'm headed to Smith to harness up the GF and subject her Ivan's constant din and the rarefied air of a tilted world. Have a happy. Remember, Beware the Window Side.
  13. Maybe Iran will win round 2.
  14. I worked in Everett for 10 years. Now, I like black Reeboks and wife-beaters as much as the next registered sex offender, but the last day I was there I remember standing in an auto parts store line behind a guy with an enormous boil on his (bare) shoulder. The thing might have even had a face on it, but the axle grease smear made it hard to tell. I sang all the way back to Seattle.
  15. So many parties, so little time to decide...
  16. Well, there was this, if you're into the whole tree-of-life-with-dripping-junk thing:
  17. Yeah, the Guy with Dead Fish photo. Never quiiiiite got that one. The only porn we could find was a sketch of a guy doggy styling a chick holding on to the cabin eaves...with the genitalia scribbled out. It's not exactly the Playboy Mansion.
  18. I think we were planning our siege of a local hardman peak in that photo. Or perusing the cabin porn. I can't quite remember for some reason.
  19. These folks clearly do not have an understanding of the American character: How to save Iraq from civil war Otherwise, they wouldn't be asking for a loan right after Christmas....
  20. I say burn them. Burn them all. Now back to making fun of your home town....
  21. One thing you've got to know about Washington: shooting your own moose is not as appreciated here as up there. It might be because there are none, so if you've shot something big on the Eastside, you may have just ruined $20,000 worth of post-child rearing plastic appliance. That's not going to win you many friends at the next Neighborhood Watch meeting.
  22. And that's where Wenatchee shines: Walmart for all your 'fading back' supplies. Next to KFC, too, and they often have an all you can eat bucket deal, but you'll need to habla espanol to negotiate a place in line when that's on. Not as many taco trucks as Yakima, and crack is more expensive, but that's what you get when you want to shorten your commute. Where's your Walmart Issaquah? Oh wait, YOU DON'T HAVE ONE. Your quarry-townhouse-skyline rocks, though.
  23. It's the originality of 70s hair bands that stuns me. From the shirtless, hiphugging leatherwear to the gyrating manes, where does all that creativity spring from? Date rape n' coke just isn't the same these days.
  24. don't folks form corporations for the purpose of political speech/action? such as, say.....the aclu? YUP. Shut down Citizens United and without requiring the government to show a harm from its political speech and you've given your government the ability to silence political speech from any non-profit corporation, including the ACLU. I'll take the Citizens United decision, thanks. I'd prefer not allowing the idiots in Congress to decide what the advocacy organizations I support can and cannot say.
  25. Corporations are aggregations of people, who certainly do have 1st Amendment rights. Furthermore, 1st Amendment rights are not 'granted' by government - quite the opposite. The government (thankfully) must make a case for restricting such rights. It must prove a harm when doing so. Any time the Congress wants to show a substantial harm for allowing a corporation to show a politically oriented movie independent of any campaign just before an election, it's free to do just that. SCOTUS left that avenue wide open. So far, however, it has not done so, and therefore has no case for restricting political speech.
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