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Everything posted by denalidave

  1. I've only used the TC Pros, which perform better than other shoe I've owned and are quite comfy on my feet. However, they seem to lack durability, especially given the price point on them.
  2. Just like masturbating... Early and often.
  3. Being fat is just another conspiracy created by the N. Koreans. Much cheaper than an A-Bomb and far more effective in the long run. It's all Kim's fault I have a 75" waist.
  4. Shameless Plug in hopes of free scwhag. [video:vimeo]
  5. So many great shots, keep em coming. Mt WilaWala?, Self Portrait, Chugach State Park, AK The summit was pretty cool. Kind of a diving board type with that big wall below. I took the right ridge below/through the snow patches.
  6. V12?
  7. Cheebouga, cheebouga, cheebouga... McJabba De Hut.
  8. I bet Ronald McDonald could save us.
  9. denalidave


    Fixed it fer ya.
  10. Maybe it's just me, but I see some bacon monsters there...
  11. Good to be home w the kids for a few days.
  12. At 200K, the Red Devil still has a longer life expectancy than you...
  13. No pics either but my first summer in Alaska I bought an old Datsun B210, complete with rotted out Fred Flinstone floorboards. Every time you hit a puddle, you get splashed in the face w mud. I paid $400 for it and put 10,000 miles on it in about 3 months. I got towed once for parking in front of Chilkoot Charlies and had to pay more than the car was worth just to get my climbing gear back. The u-joint finally went out going about 70 MPH on the drive home from the Talkeetna Music Festival, freaking the shite out of my passenger when the axle came slamming up and down into the passenger compartment. After that, I sold it to a guy for $20 who had a half dozen of em. Good times. Kind of sucked push starting it all summer, especially near the end when it was getting cold. My other favorite was a sweet 87 Landcruiser. Great climbing rig.
  14. was that some sort of freudian slip http://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/article/Police-domestic-violence-nearly-twice-average-rate-2536928.php At least they have the guns in case something goes wrong...
  15. Best I can come close to that is a rotting bear skull at a site I was working at back east a while back... Someone poached this poor bastard & left the head to rot. Yum.
  16. Moonrise Over Denali Base Camp Certainly not a winner compared to some of the amazing shots posted already but I hear there may be some random schwag hand outs so I may as well post up...
  17. Another stalker rears his psycho head...
  18. The only climbing I do anymore is the 217 rung commute. Might dust off the shoes & rack when it warms up. I sure miss me Bacon. What are the local crags out near Walla Walla/Dayton? Thread drift. Here are some shots from work. We get amazing sunrises/sets here so I thought I'd once again recommend any climber to get into wind jobs. Obviously, a good fit, in some ways. Hope you like the pics, sorry for the interruption. Mostly phone pics so the quality could be better... Everything is better w Bacon...
  19. It's a ROCK GOD sighting! "If yer not liv'n on the edge"...
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