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Everything posted by rob

  1. Try a spoon next time.
  2. rob


    Before every trip, I always swing by the same AMPM to buy a cup of coffee. And every time, the lady has always given it to me for free. I'm afraid it's become a superstition. I'm afraid NOT to stop by. I don't know wtf I'd do if she ever charged me. Does anybody else have any stupid shit like this that they do?
  3. Sweet! Are you guys gonna give me free ski lessons? Rock!
  4. Your recommendation is that instead I spent the next few years learning to ski? Real helpful, thx.
  5. I've been riding inbounds for quite a while and I'm pretty OK. But since my board was stolen I'm in the market for a new one and I'd like to get into BC riding. So...got any recommendations on a board/bindings that will do well off piste? I imagine I'll want something lighter, etc... I've got snowshoes, and I'm taking an avy class this month, so I figure I got that angle covered. Any tips?
  6. I'm guessing that's a typo?
  7. Buy one of these and hook it up to the door handles, etc. ZAP! Or make your own
  8. Maybe he's Out for Justice.
  9. From the FDA's website:
  10. When multiple double-blind studies refute your conspiracy theories, I guess the next best option is to claim that they were faked.
  11. Followed by the guy who jumps in the thread to let us know how much he dislikes the thread.
  12. Are you guys saying that in a perfect world, each country would have the same incidence of cancer? Seems to me, in a statistical model, somebody has got to have the most.
  13. scholar.google.com
  14. My wife and I have a pair of synthetic 15F bags that zip together (one is a lefty and one is a righty). No complaints yet, and they work well-enough by themselves. They zip together nice even though hers is regular and mine is long. I don't remember the brand, I could check if you're interested. I have a friend who used a "permanent" two-person bag on his PCT trip. I think it was this one. He loved it.
  15. Conversations with god? Lies! I havn't said a word to him.
  16. That's why I drink only distilled water, or rain water, and only pure grain alcohol.
  17. Check out #8 I'm just saying.
  18. rob


    Flavor saver.
  19. She's climbing for two.
  20. You got skis or snowshoes? You might try something like Silver Peak, or maybe Mount Ellinor.
  21. This is our island. It’s a good island. Until the grown-ups come to fetch us we’ll have fun.
  22. This website seems to indicate that foreigners are allowed to take their basic and advanced courses. There appear to be some provisos (detailed on this page).
  23. rob


    Take one tablet every 6 hours as needed for anxiety.
  24. jonmf76 , who are you? You keep mentioning "the old days" as if you were one of the founding members or something. You should back up your chest-thumping with some kind of credibility, before you pontificate to us young whippersnappers about how climbing should be, and about the good old days when everybody did everything right. I don't remember anybody thinking it is glorious to die, or that taking obscene risks was cool. Danno got a lot of crap, for example. The climbing world you live in seems way different than the climbing world I live in. Except that in your world, mistakes apparently never happen to the prepared, and badluck never strikes the undeserving. It must be nice over there.
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