different, not necesecelery more. they voted for bush because the values line up with theirs. Dems should be doing the same. they just don't call them values - usually it's 'rights' or 'causes'...or something else that doesn't sound religious.
I have to say, underworld, I think you are fundamentally wrong. In my opinion, conservatives generally support legislation that codifies and supports their own morals, which are generally religiously-based, and attempt to prevent others from doing what they find "immoral."
I can only speak for myself, but in my opinion, liberals generally support legislation permitting even actions which, they themselves, may find abhorrent. In this way, I believe liberals generally do a better job of supporting liberty, by preventing religious/demographic groups from using legislation to enforce matters of their own personal ethics.
So, in this way, I do not think you can say that they are the same thing. Conservatism tends to support a single moral system at the exlusion of others , while liberalism tends to protect the free action of all.