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Everything posted by rob

  1. Then again, this guys been a civilian since 2005. And the Middle East Policy Council, have you ever heard of them before? I wonder how much of all this is just speculation and belly-rot. I think it's best to keep a slightly skeptical mind, especially without reputable sources.
  2. WTF, you create an account today, so you can anonymously sling shit at someone? You sound like a dipshit, I hope I don't have any friends like you. Is that too harsh?
  3. Strange that I can't find any other sources for this specific story. But I did find a similar one here. Scary shit, I wonder why there isn't any mainstream media on this?
  4. rob

    Quit Screwin' Around!

    The one screwing around is the one having the most fun? (sorry DFA)
  5. rob

    Which first???

    different, not necesecelery more. they voted for bush because the values line up with theirs. Dems should be doing the same. they just don't call them values - usually it's 'rights' or 'causes'...or something else that doesn't sound religious. I have to say, underworld, I think you are fundamentally wrong. In my opinion, conservatives generally support legislation that codifies and supports their own morals, which are generally religiously-based, and attempt to prevent others from doing what they find "immoral." I can only speak for myself, but in my opinion, liberals generally support legislation permitting even actions which, they themselves, may find abhorrent. In this way, I believe liberals generally do a better job of supporting liberty, by preventing religious/demographic groups from using legislation to enforce matters of their own personal ethics. So, in this way, I do not think you can say that they are the same thing. Conservatism tends to support a single moral system at the exlusion of others , while liberalism tends to protect the free action of all.
  6. When I was a kid, my brother's dog killed my cat, so I know how you feel. Rough.
  7. Hey, that's really awful. Hang in there.
  8. Sent PM re: stuffsacks
  9. rob

    Which first???

    You mean, President Pelosi?
  10. rob

    Which first???

    Impeach Bush = President Cheney!
  11. rob

    Who took it?

    I had a friend who used to be a pizza delivery driver. He used to cop slices out of pies all the time. Sometimes, he'd even crack open the customer's two-litre to wash it down. He delivered pizzas for at least a year, he never seemed to get caught. Maybe most people don't call in to complain? Maybe they think the wife snagged a piece first? Who knows. Before his gig as a delivery guy, he used to work at DQ, where he swears that the teenagers there steal whippets and piss in the pickle buckets. I don't eat out much.
  12. rob


    Dude, they're in the last throes of the insurgency. Remember?
  13. rob


    voted him in? I don't remember that happening
  14. rob


    What a total waste. Who gave that guy our credit card? Fucking congress, they're the biggest assholes in this sob story.
  15. Dude, hide the phone or you'll end up calling your ex.
  16. I've been making a lot of conditioning trips up Mt. Si lately; I'd love some company. I know this isn't the partner forum, but you guys are welcome to PM me if you're looking for someone to talk to on the way up -- those 4 miles can get pretty boring.
  17. Are you the one who ran into my g/f yesterday when she totaled her car?? No, he sounds more like the guy who gave me the finger.
  18. The other day, I let a guy into the HOV lane in front of me (even though he didn't have two people), and he gave me the finger. It still confuses me.
  19. rob

    For the next ropeup

    Do the mounties offer a course in this yet?
  20. OK, so I'm normally a very healthy guy. I hit the gym 3-5 times a week, I eat very well, etc. I quit smoking cigarettes about 2 years ago. Today was a really stressfull day for me (doing interviews) and I broke down and bummed a cigarette. And I skipped the gym today. My question is, how much should I beat myself up over the cigarette? Physically, how much damage do you think that one cigarette did? Yikes! I skipped the gym, smoked a cigarette -- what's next? Lying in a gutter chain-smoking camels and inhaling big macs, that's what. I need some encouragement. Do you guys ever fall down? I need some fluffing.
  21. Campmor has the MHW rock sack right now on sale for $159
  22. rob


    It took me 5 hours to get home (redmond to snohomish) on Wednesday night. Some idiot decided to abandon his car in the middle of a hill, in the middle of his lane. I almost had a psychotic breakdown, and my car overheated. Good times.
  23. I overpronate, and suffered from terrible ITB injuries (running-induced) in both legs for months. I got a pair of rigid full-length orthotics, and it made an almost immediate difference. I wear them in my boots, and also wear motion-control runners. I don't know how much they cost, insurance covered it.
  24. I think we all know the kind of things that happen in all boys schools....
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