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Everything posted by rob

  1. I wear orthotics due to fallen arches. Superfeet didn't work for me at all. I also tried some thermo-moldable inserts, to no avail. I have several custom pairs for each of my boots. I don't need them in my everyday shoe, just in my hikers/climbers/runners. I still wear keens, so maybe there is hope for you.
  2. rob


    rooster sauce? I didn't think The Rooster swung that way.
  3. Sounds like a great show, I wanted to go but we had trouble finding a sitter
  4. rob


    one day this site will go down and my boss will suddenly wonder why I've become so productive.
  5. if you volunteer, do they make you pick a "trail name?"
  6. rob

    Headaches and men

    I don't ever want to hear the word "greasy" and "anal" together again. ever.
  7. When will they mandate MLUs on snow creek wall??? Won't somebody please think of the children??!!!
  8. You and my wife would totally get along, do you ever eat at Chaco Caynon in the U district?
  9. rob

    Saved by Tourons

    that looks like hasslehoff behind the scope
  10. did you guys notice I was there, and I didn't even freak out yay me
  11. you dated your sister's daughter??
  12. You have to name your bus. There's a law. Besides, it helps to have a name to curse while banging your solenoid with a hammer.
  13. nope, but it has vacuum leaks in the carbs -- no extra charge!
  14. I've got a 74 bus with lower miles than that euro. I'll give it to you for 10.
  15. nanotechnology
  16. maybe our hamstrings are firing too early
  17. that's a V6, right? wow, $14,000 seems like an awful lot for the year and milage! That's a spicy meatball, be careful You should get a mechanic to take a look and give you an opinion, or at least get a compression check on the engine before spending that kind of cash on a car with >200,000 miles on a gasoline engine.
  18. rob

    Self Rescue books

    Climbing Self Rescue: Improvising Solutions for Serious Situations good book, tons of great scenarios don't forget to practice
  19. I'm already pretty skinny, but I'd like to loose about 5 pounds, can I play too? 158 lbs 5/7/07
  20. I'm assuming you're talking about placing gear while leading a single pitch, belaying off the ground? Because on a belay off the deck (on a multi-pitch) I would definitely place gear right after leaving the belay, to prevent a FF 2 from bombing my anchor if the route wanders away from the belay or the belay is off to the side because of rockfall or something (i.e. vantage), I like to place an omnidirectional piece right off the deck. This prevents a backwards zipper if I fall higher up. fall factors are much higher at the start of the pitch, I tend to place a lot more gear near the bottom and once I get higher off the deck, I relax more my two cents
  21. nasty
  22. rob

    What was that movie?

  23. I hear this sort of thing is also useful for spanish supermodels.
  24. rob

    What was that movie?

    With kevin bacon as some kind of wilderness guide who takes a bunch of kids out on a multi-day, and they end up throwing a mutiny and they hit him on the head with a rock and then have to save him? I can't remeber the name and it's killing me
  25. Sorry, I got a partner. Post a thread in the partner's forum, you might get lucky.
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