Well, you're certainly entitled to your opinion that politically-based social organizations should not be granted non-profit status. (This would include most, if not all, labor unions, btw.)
But, I'm not sure how you think the tea-party groups are "abusing" anything by seeking the same non-profit status that many liberal social-welfare groups also enjoy. I would refuse to support a political organization of any kind that did not maintain a non-profit tax-filing status.
Would you rather that political organizations kept surplus revenues and distributed them as dividends to their members, rather than using the excess money to support their charter goals? Who would support such an organization? And why would anybody agree to give up profit equity in an organization if the government didn't give anything back in exchange? That's the whole point of a non-profit company.
If you have info that these tea-party organizations are actually operating as for-profit corporations disguised as non-profits, you should contact the authorities with your evidence. I think the IRS has a hotline, and I think you're even entitled to a percentage of money recovered by the government.