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Everything posted by Raindawg

  1. You might have a fracture...i.e., a broken leg. Go see yo doctor, foo!
  3. The Klimb-4-Kurt event at Spire Rock Tuesday night was a raging success with much fun had by all and a substantial quantity of $$$ raised for the Alpine K recovery fund. Apart from members of the local crowd, some folks drove down from the Seattle area to lend their support to a worthy cause. One wiseacre showed up with a Hilti, intent on grid-bolting the entire rock but fortunately, the quality of climbing on Spire overwhelmed him and the machine of destruction remained in its case. The auction of a number of great books was very successful, with all books being sold. A fight nearly broke out over the autographed "Big Lou" volume. Pope broke up the pending altercation by pleading, "What would Big Lou think of the way you're acting now???" and "Please! There's enough Big Lou for ALL of us!" A unique antique pair of Patagonia Pile pants will be presented to Kurt to be worn as a hat or alternatively, in the normal fashion. HOT, HOT, HOT auction item! There were many notable ascents: Crazyjz, for example, levitated over an overhang, and taanstafl amazed us with an unprecedented on-site of "Kelley's Arete". Tickets were issued for the inevitable free clinic, and Alpinfox (apart from schooling us all in the subtle art of climbing finger cracks) seemed to particularly enjoy the shoe demo. Last night, alpine excellence permeated Mighty Spire Rock. And yes, there were beverages and some snacks. Those who didn't show really missed out but we hope you will nonetheless contribute directly to the recovery fund or at other events that might be held. Posted on behalf of Dwayner and Pope by "Raindawg".
  5. It's today, Tuesday, 18th July, 6 - 9 PM.
  6. Today....Tuesday 18th of July. What are you doing this evening between 6 & 9??? Klimb-4-Kurt With all resources accumulated going to the Alpine-K recovery fund. Description: This is how it works: Come out to climb on Washington State's premier outdoor rock and Dwayner and Pope will contribute $5 per person to the Alpine K Fund for the first 10 cc.com folks who show up, for a maximum of $50. They will also match your personal contributions up to an additional $50. There will also be a few choice books and things to unload to the highest bidder. We can't charge you to climb Spire Rock, and this whole thing is completely informal, but come on out and have a good time, bring some gear for top-roping, and help out your fellow climbing buddy. Directions: TO SPIRE ROCK at Sprinker Recreation Center: Sprinker Recreation Center 14824 So. "C" Street, Tacoma, WA 98444 From the North/South: From I-5, take exit 127 following the Mt. Rainier/Puyallup signs to Highway 512 going east. Take the second exit (Parkland/Spanaway-Pacific Ave) and at the stop light turn right onto Pacific Avenue (SR 7). Head south for 2.7 miles then turn right on Military Road (152nd St). Sprinker Center is 1 1/2 blocks down on the right. From the East: Go west on Highway 512. Take the Mt. Rainier/Hiway 7 exit and follow the off ramp around to your left. At the stoplight turn left onto Pacific Avenue. Go south on Pacific Avenue for 2.7 miles and turn right on Military Road (152nd St.) Sprinker Center is 1 1/2 blocks down on the right. As you enter the parking lot, SPIRE Rock is located to the far left of the facility between the ballfields and Breseman Forest. Once again, this is an informal gathering with no official endorsements or sponsorships. Come and climb and contributions will be made. Posted on behalf of Dwayner and Pope by "Raindawg".
  7. Don't Forget: Tomorrow...Tuesday...."Dwayner 'n Pope's Good-Time Bouldering Rodeo" presents: KLIMB 4 KURT Spire Rock, Tacoma 6 - 9 PM * Have an artificial outdoor experience that puts to shame that grid-bolted travesty known as Exit 38. * Enjoy a commanding view of Mt. Rainier ("Raindawg") from Spire's lofty summit. * See the very place that inspired some of the names of routes on Icicle Canyon's "J-Y" crag including: "Spanaway Spud" and "Lawnmower Drill Team". New items added to the "auction" including a couple of early 1980's Chouinard catalogs and some fine mountaineering books. Just by showing up, you'll be making a contribution to Mr. Alpine K, but you'll want to make your own contributions as well. Bring at least your shoes and a harness, rope and a few slings and 'biners for a top rope and you're good to go. Dwayner 'n Pope will have a couple of poach ropes set up, too, for the enjoyment of minimalists. And some $$$ for Kurt. So who's coming? Posted on behalf of Dwayner and Pope by "Raindawg" P.S. "Bring your own brie!"
  8. Sorry, Icegirlie, but if we changed the date to meet everyone's schedule, it will never happen. So time and place as above...let's check your schedule....mmmmmm....looks like you just might be able to swing it when the boss ain't lookin....so bring your charming and lovely self down south to Tacoma/Spanaway. And if you can't get one going, are you saying that you aren't coming? Are you that dependent upon the fickle whims of others? Walk on the wild side....go solo if necessary. Pope will give you a belay. See you there. Next, a tempting photo of SPIRE ROCK, the artificial monolith whose craggy existence is the very definition of fun. Anchors on top provide for top-roping on routes up to 5.11 or you can "boulder" around with a bed of pea-gravel to cushion your tumble. MORE OPPORTUNITIES TO ASSIST ALPINE K. We've got a few items we're accumulating for a brief auction: Thus far, we have an AUTOGRAPHED copy of BIG LOU'S book, "Lou Whittaker: Memoirs of a Mountain Guide", full of exciting anecdotes and memorable quotes that will make a splendid addition to any cc.com reader's alpine library. Also, probably, an early pair of Chouinard/Patagonia fleece pants modified with zippers, c.1980. And who knows what else might appear from us or show up with you? Question: How do you get to Spire Rock next Tuesday? DIRECTIONS TO SPIRE ROCK at Sprinker Recreation Center: Sprinker Recreation Center 14824 So. "C" Street, Tacoma, WA 98444 (253) 798-4000 From the North/South: From I-5, take exit 127 following the Mt. Rainier/Puyallup signs to Highway 512 going east. Take the second exit (Parkland/Spanaway-Pacific Ave) and at the stop light turn right onto Pacific Avenue (SR 7). Head south for 2.7 miles then turn right on Military Road (152nd St). Sprinker Center is 1 1/2 blocks down on the right. From the East: Go west on Highway 512. Take the Mt. Rainier/Hiway 7 exit and follow the off ramp around to your left. At the stoplight turn left onto Pacific Avenue. Go south on Pacific Avenue for 2.7 miles and turn right on Military Road (152nd St.) Sprinker Center is 1 1/2 blocks down on the right. As you enter the parking lot, SPIRE Rock is located to the far left of the facility between the ballfields and Breseman Forest. Once again, this is an informal gathering with no official endorsements or sponsorships. Come and climb and contributions will be made. Posted on behalf of Dwayner and Pope by "Raindawg".
  9. Ahoy. Dwayner and Pope's Goodtime Bouldering Rodeo is proud to present: KLIMB 4 KURT Where? Spire Rock, Sprinker Park, Spanaway (near Tacoma) When? Next Tuesday, 18th July, 6 - 9 PM This is how it works: Come out to climb on Washington State's premier outdoor rock and Dwayner and Pope will contribute $5 per person to the Alpine K Fund for the first 10 cc.com folks who show up, for a maximum of $50. And if you feel so compelled as to give up a few of your beloved shekels that you would otherwise spend on that Tuesday Twilight Zone known as "Pube Club", Dwayner and Pope will match your contributions up to an additional $50. We can't charge you to climb Spire Rock, and this whole thing is completely informal, but come on out and have a good time, bring some gear for top-roping, and help out your fellow climbing buddy. And the good thing is, you don't even have to like Dwayner or Pope to participate! Nope, we're not joking....but if you're lucky, though, you might experience some of our classic antics, for example: - the pee-stained, cigarette-burned hobo mattress "plop" pad; - the shoe demonstrations; - the free "climbers' clinic", etc. So, let's see who's willing to come on out to support a fellow climber. Get a grip, king-sized, beta-spewing mountain explorer. It ain't that far. Think of all the time and gas money you regularly waste driving to Exit 38 on a routine basis. Call the "Waaaambulance" and make the trip. Instead of literally pissing your money away drinking beer on Tuesday, how about: Klimb and Kontribute. Rain or Shine....and if it rains, we can retire to a nearby pub. The deal will still apply, and you can continue your usual habits AND contribute. See you there....next week. More...map link, etc. later. Posted on behalf of Dwayner and Pope by "Raindawg"
  10. Raindawg

    Peak Oil

    Just a small point. Occam's Razor is not a law, although it is often treated as if it were. It is a "tool" of convenience to separate competing theories based on the fewest variables from point A to point B. It's convenient if you believe in straight lines, but not necessarily dependable. Carry on.
  11. Raindawg

    American News

    First impression: Final impression:
  12. WHAT HAS OUR WORLD COME TO???? DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND??? IT'S ALL ABOUT MEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! "Take your damn hands off me and let me join nature by climbing one of nature's most beautiful features!!!! Aaaarrrgggghhhhhhh!"
  13. That sounds like that tired and baseless cliché Hillary Clinton spewed out a few years ago. What you describe is not insanity, but persistence, which is a trait of many successful people.
  14. Sounds like you're an expert on such acoustics! Now go dazzle those tenth graders with your vast knowledge and resume the whining.
  15. Nonsense about the poverty; that's a dang hoax. Teaching is the sweetest arrangement going. You get the summer off plus a couple of weeks at Christmas to go skiing, "spring break", etc. That's worth ALOT! A lot of corporate folk work 40 years and don't get that kind of time off until they retire! I'm sick of whining teachers claiming they're not making anything. First of all, THEY AREN'T WORKING A FULL YEAR. ("but I bring work home"....blah, blah, blah - who doesn't?) Benefits are usually pretty good and if you don't like the money (I know people bringing down a respectable 40-50,000+ after several years in the bizness, and I know college professors with Ph.D.'s making less than that), nothing is keeping you from getting your seasonal job in the mountains, rivers or wherever. Money still not good enough? You can always tone down your lifestyle...cut out a few of those lattes, and get your priorities straight. The downside is you have to like kids or it might drive you nuts. And yah, I've been there. 'nuff said (for now).
  16. Great evening! Had an awesome time! When's the next one? You guys are a bunch of wild characters! Thanks for not hitting on my ugly girlfriend who didn't bother to show up.
  17. Frenchies rioting for job-related issues. Take a tip from this fine Merican and get self-employed!
  18. Hey Girlie-Pie. The average "climbing is my big hobby" phase lasts about three to five years before many switch to wind-surfing, roller-blading, hiking with the kids, or what not. Ain't unusual at all.
  19. Can I bring my ugly girlfriend?
  20. Raindawg

    Hey, hey

    First you say you do And then you don't And then you say you will And then you won't You're undecided now So what are you gonna do? Now you want to play And then it's no And when you say you'll stay That's when you go You're undecided now So what are you gonna do? I've been sitting on a fence And it doesn't make much sense 'cause you keep me in suspense And you know it Then you promise to return When you don't I really burn Well, I guess I'll never learn And I show it If you've got a heart And if you're kind Then don't keep us apart Make up your mind You're undecided now So what are you gonna do?
  21. Somebody say "Amber"? The only Amber I know is the one that was sniffing around cc.com a few years ago looking for some climbing advice. I seem to recall that she received a good number of offers for free lessons; including some from some jive dudes who were already "hooked-up", if you know what I mean. Here are some recent pictures of Miss Amber. Enjoy! FRONT: BACK:
  22. TRUE DAT!
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