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Everything posted by mountainmatt

  1. Tis true. To make it easier, they actually color coded the wood backboards as well. Kinda a nice feature. The ropes were set up to do the lead lines next, time to pull some plastic ice! .
  2. Fun route for sure! Any pictures? How was the ramp? Thanks for replacing the hangers up there. Also, thanks for taking care of all of the crap that is up there. .
  3. Like ryanb, I rarely use these things (unless I am in the desert where they are fantastic), however, the tape will actually stay on the webbing if you tape it tightly (the same tape has been on mine for a couple of years now). Finger nail polish also works fairly well. .
  4. Sweet! Another moderate on WA pass is always good. Did you get a chance to do any cleaning while on route? .
  5. Holy crap man! Nice work! Next year for sure! If you want to see some other angles of the route, I found a youtube video of Yaniro climbing it, definitely sick: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fu7gp-aKsbo
  6. The funny part is that they actually did (Ed Visteurs was one of them). I recall reading some article where one of the actors said, "shouldn't you be able to see our breath if we are trapped in a crevasse at 8000 meters?", to which the director responded, good question, lets ask the consultants. The consultants responded that yes you would see your breath, additionally, you would be coughing, having a hard time speaking, etc. The director responded that it didn't look good in the film so they wouldn't be doing any of that. Now if you want to see a film that is worse that Vertical Limit, watch "Take it to the Limit"
  7. Damn! That was a crazy video for sure. Watching the crack form as he is skiing down is just plain scary! Good time to get the beacons out and do some practicing... .
  8. Start with this: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=rainier+gear+list .
  9. I personally prefer the 6 ice tool method for climbing. Someday I hope I can move up to 8. .
  10. Damn! Well done there guys! The story is pretty cool as well, just went to scope it out, and ended up sending it. Way to git er dun! .
  11. Nice! That looks like a nice area, I will have to check it out sometime. .
  12. Awesome! I definitely need to get back to Spring Mtn. this season! .
  13. It sorta reminds me of this classic TR from supertaco: Mud Nailing .
  14. Awesome! More long Darrington lines! Can't wait to see what else is coming...
  15. I love that the belay is made up mostly of hooks and screamers. Exactly. Why even use a rope if its truly A6? Maybe we need a new grading system for stupidity. .
  16. According to the article, "They placed no expansion bolts at the belays." .
  17. I am not sure what makes something go from A6 to A6+, but I can say that I wouldn't want to fall on the belay. Climbing Mag Hot Flashes
  18. Sweet! Awesome work guys! Super awesome that you onsighted the burly Scoop pitch as well Jens!
  19. Awesome! Nice to see the Splatte getting some action Brings back lots of memories (I grew up in this area and its where I learned to climb) No trip to the Ol' Bucksnort Saloon? If you head back you will have to check out the Dome, Bishop, and Sunshine wall; more fantastic granite with no crowds.
  20. Nice work! Looks like a pretty fun route to get on. Thanks for the info
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