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Everything posted by sws

  1. Leaving from Yakima Friday night, have car and places to stay. Looking mostly in 11 and 12 range, but happy to belay anyone on whatever. Laid back guy that just loves climbing, pm me or respond with a # and we will make it happen. Cheers, Sam
  2. I missed seeing in by about 10 minutes and have heard second hand that both members in the party were struck by a 4x2 chunk of stone and both broke a femur and one had some head injuries. I had a buddy onsite that didn't know what climb it was on, but said that the rock was covered in chalk. I would be curious if someone knows the actual route they were on as there is not too much loose stone on the climbs.
  3. As of earlier this week there was quite a bit of snow and a running creek about a mile or so before Nada lake, turning into constant snow between Nada and Snow Lakes, still able to get up there for those keen to do so.
  4. Its a mixed route called Chasing Amy and goes at 10 d.
  5. Parkway, AB
  6. Bouldering up at forestland was good on Sunday. Just had a little snow on the approach, but bare ground and dry rock up at the boulders.
  7. Hi there, Recently got a new gig in the Leavenworth/Wenatchee area and am looking for a rental. Anyone looking to or know someone looking to rent a house, cabin, room or whatever please drop me a PM. I do have a dog and would like a fenced yard. Looking to move December to early January will sign a year lease, deposit etc. Cheers
  8. PM Sent
  9. Yikes! Glad to hear everyone made it out ok. I did the route two weeks ago and was curious, which block came off. Is it at the end of the handcrack right after a finger crack in a left facing corner that starts off from a nice ledge? I almost pulled a monster off right there and nearly sh*t myself then ended up dropping my three and gunning for it. Curious if that block is now gone and you didnt happend to find a #3 c4 along with way?
  10. Try the CWU rock gym, or if you dont have any luck there, I am in Yakima and know a some people that are usually looking to get out.
  11. And the closure in the Tieton is not in effect currently.
  12. sws

    New Girl

    Hello, I am also in Yakima and get out climbing a fair bit. I just sent you a PM, get in touch with me and I should be able to help you out with most of your questions. Sam
  13. We were in KY for a good portion of October and had varied temps from the high 60's to snow one day. Because of the steepness you can climb in a down pour. Averages temps during the trip were probably in the 50's
  14. Trip: Red River Gorge, KY October 2011 - Date: 10/1/2011 Trip Report: Made the trip out to Kentucky for the first time this year and highly recommend the climbing. Beautiful time of year to be in that part of the country, with all the deciduous trees doing their thing, which makes the place a little busy... All the beta you need is easily available so I thought I would just share some pic's to keep the stoke up for pulling on some rocks, enjoy http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/plab/data/500/medium/PA290400.JPG[/img] Approach Notes: Plane to rental
  15. Pm'ed you Yakima guys about the goods, hit me up and we shall get out on them.
  16. I have been on most of the lines there. Boving route is fun, a little contrived since its pretty easy to stem of the pillar and knock the climb down to 5.10. Straight talk is the canyon gold standard for 10a, should give that one a shot first to see what your getting into.
  17. The road up to lava point is fine, no snow. I have driven it a few times already this year.
  18. pm sent
  19. No doubt as far as fun outside stuff to do and quality of life east of the mountains
  20. Kevin, there are a few of us that get out in the tieton about 3 times during the week usually around 3:30 or 4, if your intrested shoot me a PM or give me a call at 509-952-2814. Sam
  21. Kevin, The new crag is called the Chunkhouse and is located next to the Moon Rocks. Andy posted some beta about the climbs on the edgeworks climbing gym forum.
  22. Tons of ticks and snakes out this year.. I think it is best to stay away from the Tieton. Andy whereabouts were you checking out up there and did you see anything that looked good?
  23. Thannks for the references
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