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About Hendershot

  • Birthday 11/30/1999


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Gumby (1/14)



  1. I read through this whole thread to make sure I didn't repeat something that was already said. After all this is the Spray forum and like Spionin, I have seen people mocked for spelling errors or just trying to be helpful. I have the "insiders club" perception that Raindawg mentioned but that isn't the reason for my CC.com hiatus. Recovering from motorcycle accident(s), Grad school, new job, and developing cubicle chuncks have kept me from climbing. My renewed interest in CC.com comes from setting a goal to go to Alaska and I value the beta here. As far as improvements go, Layton's suggestion about adding meta data tags or reorganizing the TR into a heirarchy by location/route would be helpful. Thank you Jon for not selling out. I understand that this service you guys provide is a labor of love. Improvements to the site come at a cost, which require revenue streams. Soliciting feedback and acting on it will keep CC.com relevant to the community. The internet trolls are all on twitter now. Just search "tcot" and you will see the most ignorant and hateful statements directed at other Americans all within 140 characters.
  2. I second Cam Yarder's vote for Dr. Richard Bouché. I went to the NW Foot & Ankle Center and had lots of tests done before being refered to Bouche for a 2nd opinion. My sesimoids were knocked out of place in a motorcycle accident. Bouche did the surgury to remove them. Over the past year, he was very attentive to my concerns as a climber and back country skier. He took the time to explain a lot of things where most doctors would hurry you out so they can get to the next appointment.
  3. Mmm pork pizza... and Von Trapp's is walking distance from my place! Large T-shirt please
  4. Well done John & Doug. Big props to Doug for being able to cowboy up after his recent surgury. It is making my excuses less credible.
  5. There are lots of folks who try to portray climbers as thrill seeking adventure junkies who put their lives at risk at the taxpayer's expense when a rescue/recovery occurs. This survey looks like a troll's work to me. I doubt he will post a response to our inquiry for more details. He is probably just sitting back and waiting for the survey results to come in.
  6. http://cascadeclimbers.com/forum/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=644072 It's not a remote Alaskan Smash & grab but it's my favorite because it is a local FA and seems within my ability to repeat. Also, the Selected Failures pic has become timeless.
  7. After spending a small fortune on gear, this was my conclusion too.
  8. I just rented this from Scarecrow and am going to watch it tonight if I ever leave the office.
  9. I can say from experience that if you are on the size fence wondering if 192 is too big for you, consider that the rocker effectively reduces the contact surface about 10 cm. I got the 182's thinking 192 was too big. I am 6'2", 200 lbs and quickly realized I needed the 192s. Now I have both sizes. This is a good deal for the good season we are expecting.
  10. The "X" means it was returned, presumably for a defect. These are then sold in the garage sale bin. What was the stated defect on the tag when you bought it?
  11. I like this
  12. I found the best way to get better at ice climbing is to do lots of ice climbing. The Bozeman Ice Fest provides a great opportunity to do tons of laps, work on technique and attend clinics. They haven't updated it for 2010 but can find more info here http://www.montanaalpineguides.com/bozemanicefestival/schedule.html Or come out early and tick off some classics. Don't want to drive to MT? Come to Portland and get those muscles moving again on the drytool routes. http://cascadeclimbers.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/977367/1
  13. Great TR. Looks like some good rock out there. I drooled a bit on that crack system. Thanks for sharing.
  14. What blows my mind are uncompasionate comments by the readers of CNN or any other newsite who say "she shouldn't have been there in the first place". Or any other mountain related accident response to the effect of "that's a drain on our taxdollars to rescue people who go out to a dangerous plance." I figured that of all the accidents, this story would arrouse some sympathy for the family and their loss. Yet some reader's comments are so quick to blame the parents for something that could have happened to any of us willing to go outside to experience reality.
  15. I agree with fenderfour. When I had the same epiphany, I sold my crampon bag. Now I just use the crampon back attached to my 60L Cilogear pack. Or I use the straps and a back up biner on the 45L pack. I stopped using the point protectors because of rust accumulation. Since the pons are secure on the outside of the pack, there is no threat of poking anything.
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