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Everything posted by StreetBoss

  1. Did the Direct East Ridge of Forbidden. Tr to follow - way fun climb.
  2. Sorry to hear....that totally sucks. I'll keep an eye out.
  3. Four times a day keeps my grip just right for hand and fist cracks!
  4. If you had climbed Giant Tears or Dreamer, you would not have found many bolts and the climbing spectacular. Duane (crazy mutha) was bold to put that thing up on lead! The other routes were created (Safe Sex) many years later.
  5. Agreed - the gym is like smoking rag weed, nasty but you have to do it.
  6. " I love pussy but never the bitch it's attached to." God what a great quote. I'll have to remember that nugget of wisdom, it's sooooo true.
  7. way to funny. How about froggy style.
  8. WOW - this doucebag hit it right on the nose. Taking the time right now i your infant stage to smooth out technique, rather than chasing numbers will pay off in the end. And you'll enjoy climbing in all phases. BUT - ferpetesakes. Dont study the bad climbers. Banging feet, miss reading routes, asses hanging out like crack whore on Aurora. Build your core
  9. I'm going with Peter Croft, Lynn Hill & Justin Sjong. (Lynn always scores high because she's hot)
  10. I'll get right on it, thanks Waller boi! Now that's community service
  11. Dude....you have to climb it for yourself to know that! Never take another’s opinions. It’s just like movies. I never count on another person’s opinion of a movie. Got to see it for myself. Shut up doucebag.........
  12. So I've put off doing the route for a couple of years to let the cleaning process take place. I used to have loads of time to grab 2nd acents and blah blah blah. Now I'm interested - anyone think it's worthy? Or just a long lame route?
  13. StreetBoss


    What a doucebag!! Chill dude Happy birthday Knot!
  14. StreetBoss


    OIY (hehehehe this is the best)
  15. StreetBoss


    K... it doesn't really matter if you date women or men or both. falling in love means leaving yourself open to heart break. but then what is life without a little risk? but then what do i know? I am old and bitter You're making my knees weak......ahhhhem..Old guy here with mad technique
  16. StreetBoss


    Does that include us from our forties with mad technique?
  17. Thanks for the cryptic, non-informational "I am a badass FA Hero, but no beta for you" mentality. Hey douchebag - Get a life.
  18. Great place, I put a few routes up there. Have fun.
  19. I'd totally agree with Annapurna (I like the woman on top sometimes). Well written, very inspiring.
  20. Dude...I've seen you belay....(a little more slack bro!)
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