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Everything posted by tazz

  1. The second photo is of Punch Bowl Falls on the Eagle creek trail. Just up the trail from Punch bowl is tunnel falls. You hike through a tunnel under the falls. 12 + miles rt.
  2. That pic is the BOMB! love it!
  3. climb X "spray"
  4. couple of my friends went up there last year and wrote a good report that may help ya. the mole
  5. Ahh...I was wondering where your awesome trs had gone too. I have been waiting for something more local and repetitive. Not to my surprise you bring us (some what) new greatness again. ;-) Thanks. I wish the snow was better for ya.
  6. tazz

    Hood Pics

    Some really nice images above to choose from. Here are a few of mine. feb 2006 April 2006 Feb 2006 Dec 2006 Feb 2006
  7. tazz

    Four Loko!

    ok my links suck and I am clueless how to make them work. I guess too much loko...heh
  8. tazz

    Four Loko!

    Carla is evil klenke! Evil I say! I never touched that evil eye crap though. But she ever so cleverly forced me to drink this stuff. It taste like shit but oh it works so well. hahaha. ;-) first it was Joose...blahhhh then the LOKO...ruhh rohhh [img:left] [/img] carla is EVIL...;-)
  9. I found summer! Its East! I tell ya...go East!!
  10. Partners found! have a great weekend folks!!
  11. I have heard of most peaks but this one if a new one for me. Great area and looks like a fun peak. I know the feeling watching our young ones following in our foot steps. My boy has been hiking with me since he was 2 month old. He is now 7 and done several small peaks and tons of hikes and camping. He loves it! Too much fun! great report. thanks!
  12. I know this is a crap shoot but what the hey figured i would try. I am going to be in Leavenworth this weekend. Would love to hook up with some folks who know the ropes (so to speak ;-))in the crags there. I have only been a couple of times. I do not lead (yet) but can follow up to ...5-7-5.8 if my shoulder (torn rotator cuffs)is being good. If not too pumpy then maybe 5.9. Depends..sorry. Wish i was back at 5.10 but injuries SUCK!! I just want to climb and have fun.I need to climb. I will treat with dinner, laughs and lots of beer! Have a great weekend folks...winter is breathing down our necks!
  13. flushed down the toilet with TONS of work...:-(
  14. hmmm... that's why "rookieness's" climb the DC (or emmonds)...they are not equipped for more difficult routes yet. I bet next year you will be more experienced and equipped. ;-)
  15. Its all good Genepires.
  16. Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?????? Who's panties are in a wad? Looks like yours are for some reason. ?? I am going by his other posts and questions not just this one. No wad here. I am just trying to help them have a good fun experience according to what he has been asking. yes Buckner is a "walk" for YOU and many climbers here. It may not be for him/them. I gave him some links to decide on his own. Excuse me for posting and trying to help someone out. Have a wonderful weekend!
  17. Also, you keep asking about fishing. Go to this site and post your questions. The wealth of info about fishy lakes, hikes with C3 scrambles. http://www.nwhikers.net/forums/index.php?sid=caccd58eb27241ca9b625ac2622f137e Also keep in mind. NCNP has strict rules about where you can fish, camp and have fires. http://www.nps.gov/noca/
  18. Yes easy summit block for the experienced NC climbers from CC.com. ;-) Not so much for someone not from WA looking for a "hike" with a fun scramble It is the getting there that can get you into a heap of trouble. You will need ice axe and crampons and KNOW how to use them. Route finding will slow you down A LOT. Here are some reports from the peak. This is a climb of the NF with the descent of the SW face. http://www.nwhikers.net/forums/viewtopic.php?t=15135&highlight=buckner SWF http://www.nwhikers.net/forums/viewtopic.php?t=7976933&highlight=buckner another SWF http://www.summitpost.org/trip-report/637576/Time-To-Buck-Up-For-Buckner-Mountain.html IMO The only "EASY" peak in that area is Sahale.
  19. Buckner is not a hike. It is heavy in route finding and most bring climbing gear and use it.
  20. You could win the lottery for permits @ the enchantments but that is a crap shoot. Yes it is amazing there but your best bet would to be go north. Skip St Helens! Drive strait to the North Cascades. Best "bang for the buck". Cascade pass/ sahale/ hidden lakes lookout/ yellow aster butte (day hike)/Thornton peak (day hike) Sourdough mountain to elephant butte/N twin sister (great C3 scramble)/Black peak!!! too many to list, i could go on and on. You will not regret skipping out on the south. Go north and you will not regret it. The only regret you will have is not having MORE time! Oh and another one could be...Tuck and robin lakes in the alpine lakes wilderness. Granite peak and trico are both access fro there. Or a two day climb of Mount Daniel in the alpine lakes region. I could go on and on...I will stop typing now! Good luck choosing and have fun!!!
  21. Dude you suck! leave me hanging like that...WTF!?! ;-P glad all is ok. i hope you will enlighten us to the epic parts...;-P
  22. Hey BD, I hear you drove all the sleeping babies home. Pays to have that long haul experience huh? late night heh? Nice report, pics and trip guys!
  23. ummmm, not dude...more like a dudette. Get it right... I Am relaxed...very relaxed, feelin good right about now. ;-). I know the first post was not harmless and pointing to a mistake made by the press. The second post was ignorant. So, I commented to help the ignorance. NO i did nothing to take it to spray. Just informed you the you are clueless to the facts. Sorry the facts make you think it is spray. point made....
  24. i ignored your first post but cannot ignore your second. "the person" ??? There is nothing to prevent in the future. If you did more research instead of reading news articles on it you would know there was nothing to prevent what happened.Other than both of them staying home and eating bon bons! YOU may want to read more here to educate YOURSELF about what happened. His partner Mark is a summit post member and painfully posted some of what happened up there. Heart wrenching! There were no signs he was sick until it was too late. I suggest YOU read the whole thread and learn something yourself.
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