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Everything posted by prole

  1. Now this[\i] is worth archiving. "Selective memory", "historical amnesia", and "willful ignorance" hardly begin to cover it. Oh, and as far as substandard insurance being cancelled: A. Companies had plenty of time to fix them to be in compliance. B. Those customers were never going to get a penny out of those companies if anything happened to them anyway. At least their not throwing their money down a hole anymore.
  2. Oh yeah, fewer costs passed onto the consumer. Same rationale fro everything from sweatshop labor to using the ocean as a toilet. What's the endgame with this?
  3. No, I meant here, as in the people putting this crap down their gullets.
  4. No, I meant here, as in the people putting this crap down their gullets.
  5. If it does go down, will anyone here really be happy about it? Why?
  6. prole


  7. prole

    I 522 Breaking News

    No, Fairweather read me dead wrong. The underlying reality implicit in the infographic you link to should be a fundamental starting point for any discussion about science and technology in the 21st century in general and any discussion about regulating them in particular. Too often, we're conditioned to think that science and the regulatory regime occur in a vacuum. How many more DDTs, Bee Collapse Disorders, Fukushimas, Deepwater Horizons, namely technologies with potential for regional and even planetary scale catastophe that we, at the time, were assured time and again were safe by regulators and industry scientists (aka the only ones with funding and insider knowledge to study this shit) before we realize that at this point in time, humans don't have the foresight or the political/regulatory infrastructure in place to handle these technologies with the kind of care that's necessary given their potential dangers. As your infographic points out, America isn't ready for the big boy pants when it comes to providing real safeguards.
  8. prole

    I 522 Breaking News

    Isn't it amazing how the wheel needs to be reinvented every single time there is a discussion on here?
  9. prole

    I 522 Breaking News

    Hey, as long as the American regulatory bodies and corporate funded scientists, compromised as they may be, say they haven't found anything harmful to humans YET, it's coo. As far as the rest of the Earth's species are concerned, the one's also living and breeding amongst this shit, they can just FUCK OFF!
  10. prole

    I 522 Breaking News

  11. prole

    I 522 Breaking News

    Aww lookit, JayB has a waterboy...
  12. S'all good bro, the science is still out. Pass me some more 'medicine'...
  13. did you find this link in a banner ad? Livestrong!!! I wonder what the recent obsession to lists is, anyway? "6 reasons to never do such and such" or "7 things to never say to a woman" -- it's very en vogue right now. right next to the "Insurance companies hate this" and "one weird trick invented by a mom" I even saw that a billionaire is warning americans to prepare for financial ruin. Look how pensive he is. Great response, right on target.
  14. As if the the American food industry ever gave a rat's ass about sound science... 11 Banned Food Ingredients Still Allowed In the U.S.
  15. In what might have been a cut and dry case to begin with, Citizens United was blown completely out of proportion by the conservatives on the court and unnecessarily 'metasticized' into the much broader, more damaging piece of judicial activism it became. Nice New Yorker piece on that here. Nor did the dissenting justices think the case, as it evolved, was the narrow, cut and dry, vacuum sealed narrative you're peddling, but hey, maybe they haven't seen your work on CC.com... Wiki Synopsis:
  16. prole


    I missed it, but I did came across a great 2-part podcast on the state of the world's oceans recently, here.
  17. I don't want the government to restrict speech, vast amounts of money from private individuals and corporations to politicians, yes please.
  18. prole


  19. prole


    No problem, Proletariat. Forgive me for thinking someone so grounded in a particular political belief would have at least a basic grasp of its historical and philosophical underpinnings. I'll go ahead and put you in the "boutique" column for now. Dartboard-style namedropping and vague allusions to capitalism and pendulums doesn't constitute a basic grasp of anything, much less the specifics of how neoliberal dogma came to dominate the the American political class's economic thinking during and after the Reagan Administration. It does do a good job of making you look like a smartypants/douche, though.
  20. prole


    Pure frontier gibberish. Whatever.
  21. prole

    Boy's Life

    Leadership... As an American, I will do my best to - Be clean in my outdoor manners Be careful with fire Be considerate in the outdoors, and Be conservation minded.
  22. prole


    Climate Change = Religious Belief Good to see some things never change even if you're willing to get all George Orwell on your other historical positions.
  23. prole


    Can we please keep your religious beliefs out of this discussion? Anyhow, if I recall, your boy Clinton oversaw his fair share of deregulation--particularly of the banking and insurance industries. Pragmatism n' all that, you see. Fact is, most Republicans I know think government's job--beyond the military and delivering mail--is, simply, to regulate. Unfortunately, the tool you elected and his rubber-stamp senate now want to take charge of our lives. We'll see how this thing plays out. Enjoy the show. Less to do with pragmatism than the culmination of the economic liberalism pushed by the Right that had been on the rise since Reagan came to power. That by the 90's the Democrats adopted it shows the extent to which those ideas had spread across the entire political spectrum. Unfortunately, despite it's spectacular failures, those ideas are still with us. The psychic gymnastics required of you to now float a pro-regulatory stance vis a vis the federal government must be exhausting for you, I know trying to figure out what the hell you're talking about here is for me. As far as the government taking control of our lives, now's a good time to defend your right to 72oz. purple dranks and the War on Sodium. In other words, big f'ing deal...
  24. prole


  25. prole


    Oh, I agree. But you won't like the replacements either. Oh, that's right, the pre-Teabagger Republican Party sucked too! Ask those 'hawks' about the debt... Or we're you talking about the Libertarians? More of the same "burn-it-down" crowd. As if the aftermath of financial deregulation in itself shouldn't have relegated them to the dustbin already. Would love to hear what they have to say about something like climate change, if they had anything to say at all. Sorry FW, the Repubs have been a redux of the Know-Nothings since Bush I and unless I'm missing some vibrant new departure from the failed ideas of the past on the horizon, the 'replacements' aren't going to do much governing either.
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