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Everything posted by prole

  1. Please see: Slippery Slope
  2. And not a peep from the freedom fighters? Guess it's not on The Koch's radar for some reason.
  3. As long as it's a private employer, I'm cool with it. I mean, it's not like they have any control over someone's life or anything...
  4. Thought leaders...sounds fishy. I prefer to get my ideas about the world from reality television, the conservative punditry, and superficial literalist readings of 200 year old texts.
  5. Single Payer today and it's a greased chute straight to those Matrix bio-energy harvesting pod thingies!!
  6. Gaaack, don't you remember the Franco-Swedish Single-Payer Death Camps from the 70's?!?!
  7. Mars needs a conservative, FW. All the isolated individualism, free of any social constraint that one could dream of...
  8. So in your world, no one benefits from a healthier society (bad word, I know) as a whole except for the individual directly effected by administered care. Got it.
  9. indeed, for a man who fears Big Gubimint micro-managing our freedoms, where do you see the rabbit-hole of deciding which human behaviors deserve coverage or not hits bottom? hot chicks have to pay ten times higher premiums b/c they're 10X more likely to get the clap? no coverage for donut-fans? no covering tendon-pulls nor rectal sores for gay sport climbers? at any rate, the big boozers, bastards, brawlers n' butt-smokers i've known over the years are/were inveterate doctor-haters and don't generally use any of the services they pay for in their youth and usually accept death pretty rapidly when it wanders their way in the form of cancer, heart-failure, etc. The alternative to "withholding care" from people who have unhealthy lifestyles or dangerous habits is a system where they pay higher premiums and the state leaves them alone. I'm surprised to learn that you prefer the alternative. And yet those most at risk of health problems associated with unhealthy lifestyles are those least able to bear the costs of higher taxes on cheap food and higher premiums. Somehow other governments have managed to nudge their people in the right direction and enforce more stringent regulations on food without succumbing to your tired stalinototalitarian nightmare fantasy.
  10. Yes, the Know-Nothing wing and the Do-Nothing wing are getting together for some big ideas next time around!
  11. Catch the Fever!
  12. Aw, who am I kidding, you stupid fucks will be lucky to survive your own primaries.
  13. Yay. Maybe a Republican will get elected.
  14. We could have 10 health care systems for the cost of the failed wars you supported.
  15. "Whaah!" Get over it.
  16. On the smoking and "bad choices" issue, having a single payer system would probably motivate the State to take on some of the entrenched interests that have been peddling known poisons with impunity for decades. I see a black market for Ho-Hos in our future... Fine by me, freedom isn't free.
  18. It's a good thing no other countries with government-run health care programs have ever had to deal with this whole cigarette-smoking guy scenario... I mean Jesus, really?
  19. No, but now we know where your 'reality' comes from...
  20. When they have homes to fill with it with, yes.
  21. Wow! Jay_B's been here less than a page and there's already been a reference to TRTS!! What's next, homeopathics?!
  22. Well, not raping the planet for a bunch of frivolous bullshit rather than rationing health care for the poor is probably a better option on that front.
  23. Well it's a good thing that the demographic most at risk from these now has better access to affordable health care!
  24. Why are Americans at such a distinct comparative disadvantage in so many categories when it comes to making "good choices"?
  25. True that. A big part of the problem is that we all think we're owed 80-90 years no matter the lifestyle we choose. Lifestyles aren't chosen, they're cultivated.
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