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Everything posted by prole

  1. prole


    One could say we've come full circle, that is, if al-Qaeda even existed in Iraq before the US invasion. Epic disaster and waste of life.
  2. The Libtard Circle-Jerk Caucus sure is quiet around here. Guess that means all of Fairweather's ideas are justifiably vindicated.
  3. prole

    The hot stove

    Mariners Sign Midget Face I can smell the garlic fries...
  4. prole

    The hot stove

  5. prole

    The hot stove

    Weird, I thought baseball was like getting castrated with a dull butter knife.... Why does this coming from you not surprise me?
  6. prole

    The hot stove

    After reading the Times article, are you surprised? The franchise is in free-fall.
  7. prole

    The hot stove

    Teach him the knuckler.
  8. prole

    The hot stove

  9. prole

    I've had it!

    Everything this organization's been doing for the last 5 years makes total sense now. Tragic mess.
  10. Is this what thought leaders do? Doesn't feel right, you might be doing it wrong.
  11. It's the best we can do. Anything else is surely courting disaster, it's pretty much like a law of physics.
  12. My viscosity has never been in question.
  13. Execution of a German Communist, Munich, 1919
  14. prole


    Robinson Cano? Does this mean the rebuilding is coming to a close? What the hell is going on up there!?
  15. Reality doesn't count unless it's seen on cable television.
  16. I can't imagine the decline in smoking has anything to do with increased taxation, regulation, restrictions, or paternalist advocacy programs instituted through government. No way, not possible. Also, the number of left wing death-camps in America rose dramatically as a result.
  17. There just isn't sufficient evidence to suggest not having a gun will prevent a person from shooting someone with that gun.
  18. Dang, where were you during the debate on lead paint? The chemical companies could've used a good flak/hatchet man back in the day.
  19. prole


    That's Ronald Reagan for ya!
  20. Well, we're currently paying higher insurance premiums due to the financial strain things like trans-fats are putting on the current health care system. Of course, the for-profits aren't complaining (doctors, maybe). It's pretty hard to imagine a scenario where your taxes go up by $11,000 a year (your current premium) and Wendy's starts getting raided by the Feds on a regular basis, but then your imagination is so much more vivid than ours when it comes to cooking up dystopian nightmare worlds from something as mundane as putting a cap on how much salt goes into a Cheeto.
  21. Whaaa! My Oreo left a grease stain on my napkin due to the absence of trans-fats!!! My freedoms are being violated!! What's next, death camps?!?
  22. In the case of trans-fats, it isn't so much telling people what they can't put in their mouths than it is removing a largely hidden, poisonous additive from the options available to the industrial food complex. It's really not that complicated.
  23. I don't think banning trans-fats is really having a detrimental effect on the lives of Americans' or freedoms do you? How about readily available opiates and other patent medicines? Exactly what slippery slope precedent was set there?
  24. Well, I'm not sure what you have in your twisted mind what "telling someone how to live" is, but in this case it would help bring health care costs down while insuring all people's right to quality, affordable care. Cue atrocity photo in 3,2,1...
  25. And getting fired from your job for perceived misconduct and living under that threat is a real, far more regular life altering experience than getting slapped in prison for not paying your hypothetical punitive tax. Interesting that freedom advocates are so silent on the freedoms given away for 8, 10, 12 waking hours after clocking in at work. Oh, that's right, just quit...
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