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Everything posted by wags

  1. I was hoping to head up to smith one or two days next weekend and looking for someone/group to climb with... (ideally .9- low .11s sport) Please PM me if interested.... thanks!
  2. bill- thats an awesome awesome post. thanks!
  3. i want to know who climbs and actually has $700 to spend on a watch?
  4. no I dont mean like atikins. I mean a change in the way Im eating. Right now my diet consist of pasteries, pizza, beer and chips. I would really like to start eating better without losing too much energy and endurance (read: no loss of calories) any suggestions?
  5. wags


    LMAO. giggle
  6. ive since moved back to the NW. and to my knowledge there is no climbing gyms there still
  7. i have a few of their packs and I really like them but man, after something like that I would be annoyed too
  8. cool Ill email you
  9. shit, id go to yoes if i got to climb!
  10. damn, I knew I was going to grad school for a reason! I cant wait to teach!!!
  11. wags

    They found

  12. wags


    Id love to see a picture of that
  13. anyone? Ill be there for the day, like to climb on the front side, partner(s) needed.
  14. congrats! cant wait to drop in
  15. sweetness, Ill actually be in seattle in time to catch it!
  16. giggle
  17. wags

    animated knots

    thats quite cool, Im passing that along to a few newbie friends
  18. Im usually around and availabe off and on during random times of the week;; and can be at smith in 2 hours.. drop me a line when the time gets closer
  19. ken- thanks thats a big help. re: " knock on it and say, "Hey ass wipe, give me my gear back, no excuses, I want it back now!" sadly it just isn't that simple a) he lives in a different state b) he has major anger issues. Which, although debatable- IMO no amount of gear is worth my ass being in his line of fire... but its a nice thought if he was 'normal'
  20. well I was hoping to climb in new areas (like WA/Canada) and could use some direction as to what would be useful at both locations
  21. amen.
  22. you ship?
  23. wags

    Japanese Gardens

  24. wags


    drop me an email/IM Id love to make a plan for one
  25. sorry I should of been more clear, I do have the basic gear (rope, slings, ATC etc) and some slings, I needed to rebuild my cam/nut collection and was wondering what kind of pieces to start with if Im leading 5.9-11s..
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