I took 2 friends from out of town on a scramble under the northeast face of pilchuck yesterday. When we where directly below the lookout cabin I looked up to see a body tumbling down the cliffs.........then.....I noticed that it was springing off the cliffs like a basketball.....wait....it's a stuffed dummy. There were about 7 or 8 teens screaming and yelling as it went down. They didn't have us fooled.....but most likely pissed at that point. Turns out they had a rope tied to it in order to pull it back up for there "funny" prank. It got stuck and they proceeded to yell at us, demanding we up-climb and free the dummy.........they then saw the "bird" . After that one of them started to down-climb the cliff in order to free it. I thought we were going to become members of the rescue....but he backed off.This was funny b/c I was warning them to watch out for frat boyz throwing rocks down off the summit as we traversed beneath it. Past that we saw no humans as we headed off towards the "poor manz enchanments"...