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Everything posted by spicoli11

  1. sounds like a toilet bowl being flushed over and over
  2. sounds like iraq
  3. The blue angels are back for sea-fair.........I hate this shit.
  4. recumbents have bubbles
  5. I was responding to chelle.........
  6. I think your making assumptions about my point and how I ride a bike. I agree that bikes must obey the law..........i don't feel as if all drivers are out to get me......shit......i grew up in brooklyn and rode a bike there......there you don't screw around....and the drivers will hit you. Here in the NW i belive were all a little more bike friendly...... or at least know that when your in seattle or portland you'll be sharing the road with bikes....are you one of those hiding in your bubble??
  7. When your on a bike it seems as if drivers feel like they have a protective bubble around them (with a plate #) and this gives them the reason to want to defeat all other forms of motion around them including walkers. I find it funny if you pass a car thats stuck in traffic they will hunt you down so that they can floor it when they pull up next to you just to let you know they can go faster than you. This type of revenge can take on scarier forms.....but it just seems so silly to the biker....wow.....you beat me.....imagine that....or....wow..... you hit me.....don't you feel better?? There are alot of asshole out there.....and there more apparent when your on a bike.
  8. I would purely view this as with boards under feet... there are probably alot of people up there on a weekend this time of year with these forecasts........i would say climb up in the dark
  9. pup seals
  10. Lots of hit-n-run going on out there......watch out for the white work vans
  11. west nile is well above the third pitch
  12. I can see the unseen.............mmmm..........sherpa
  13. Sorry to hear about that.........you should have gone back over goat pass..... although I'm familar with that part of the brain that does not want to backtrack.
  14. Rusty chains.........and gapers throwing rocks off the lip
  15. spicoli11

    Sounds of Science

    Theremin.....the great instrument of russia
  16. The mullets are actually in Joyce. How are they going to get out????
  17. Count the mullets in port angeles when you drive thru
  18. I was visited by one of these "weasels" up high recently. It wanted my smoked salmon.....pretty agressive for a little guy
  19. boom.......thundahttp://molbiol-tools.ca/STORM.jpg
  20. Sierra el tainted......it's the john muir thing
  21. May the batholith remain untainted!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. Move dirt........sell weed.......should of thought past that point
  23. Learn how to stick it..........stop falling
  24. brutally delicious shzit.......gotta love the burg
  25. spicoli11

    Index Favor

    Anybody ever see the gardener again??
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