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Everything posted by spicoli11

  1. Bumbaclot
  2. Where you going?? might be able to do it that day.......lots of work
  3. Thanks for the info.........I remember there being a slope covered on my way to knapsack pass last year.....but it seems as if it grows in abundance around rainier. I know the plant is pretty adaptive but was wondering if the mountain itself has certain conditions (soil/air temp/rainfall ect...) that the plant favors. I know that the plant doesn't tolerate compacting of the soil around it and there for is a good indication of the health of the habitat........As for those avalanche lillies......i belive the root bulb is edible......and should only be consumed if your out of food and your about to die b/c the plant is to fragile to mess with.
  4. Nice........I need a new deck myself. The one I have is worn thin. That pic of bainbridge is making me want to skate..........yummy.....pool coping.....it must grind like butter by now with all the metal on it
  5. Did she puff 10 packs of smokes a day like cesaria....love that voice. Cape verde i belive
  6. Viva la grindline........we are sooo lucky http://grindline.com/cgi-bin/view.pl
  7. no surprise......I actually like jazz alley a bit more now that they re-did the whole place. The acoustics are still "off". Don't get stuck in those seats under the balcony. Anybody seen a show up at the winery in woodinville??....most of the shows are cheesy and sold out.....but seems like a good idea. They need to get better acts like arturo up there
  8. Neem
  9. Thanks alex.......is it hard to find? I imagine that if I drive to carnation and ask the 1st kid I see... I could find it. TLG........never been to bremerton.....but bainbridge island has an awsome skatepark thats only crowded on the weekend. I usally take my bike across and ride the 2 miles to the park to cut down on cost and time.......it's definately one of the best parks in the state.....never skated rain city, but it was a good idea. Imagine that...... a COVERED skate park in the northwest
  10. thanks..........that just seems late for that elev. this time of year.....i geuss there was more snow then i thought this spring
  11. Where is there the largest profusion of beargrass on rainier?.......any links to surveys of biological data compiled from these sub/and alpine regions.......I know that photo is not beargrass........looks like trillium.....but it can't be....its out of focus.....you take that this month?
  12. spicoli11

    Index Favor

    yawwwwwwnnnnn........i'm getting tired
  13. spicoli11

    Index Favor

  14. spicoli11

    Index Favor

  15. Depends on where it is........
  16. Global warming
  17. Orcas is the shit........I need someone to pay the price for the boat ride to justify it
  18. Anybody been on j-berg this year??? haven't seen any tr's on that?? Whats the sill like?
  19. I like my goat poo warm.......
  20. Whats next???? How much more can this guy do?? Alex......how is that park in carnation?? Looks like a big bowl with a pocket....is there overcrowding in the bowl.......one at a time??
  21. That was a delay......I've surpassed you by now for sure.... I agree though....there are better places.....but hey.....I STILL only love climbing rotten stinky piles of pumice and ash....so I'm the expert on that. I was actually responding to the tele guy all pumped up on his ego
  22. That cliff doesn't like humans
  23. You obviously haven't figured this site out
  24. No doubt....I'm sure we've all done stuff like this. I saw the humor in it at the time. There also were some females involved so.....boys will be boys.....and girls will be girls...lets give everybody a fair shake. We passed by them after we came up that gully from the east summit up to the true summit lookout. Seems as if they had the whole lookout claimed to there group for an overnight........we just kept walking past it. At that point and hour or 2 after the dummy incident.....none of us were in the mood to lecture these kids....we really didn't care that much anymore. I guess the lecture came from us while we were below them anyways.....you gotta love sign-language.
  25. The dummy didn't piss me off to much....how could it? It was more the yelling for the 10 minutes while we were in range of the peanut gallery that sucked. Next time I go to Pilchuck I'm gett'in rambo and bringing the rocket launcher...I wouldn't be aiming at the stuck dummy though
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