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Everything posted by TREETOAD

  1. Would you expect anything less? They were probably able to get there quicker because they didn't have all those bulky heavy weapons to carry around.
  2. So true!!!


    I would rather be bald than have a mullet
  4. Now that is funny
  5. I wonder how you would find your way to the shitter in the middle of the night with no light amongst 10,000 or 20,000 people crammed together.

    Martial Law

    Just the type of thinking that one would expect to be reflected on a network like fox. The social safety net is there to protect all society from all of the terrible things that poverty brings. Starvation, despair, disease etc. for those that, for whatever reason find themselves in that state of suffering. The well off are protected from the desparate crimes committed by people that have lost hope of ever becoming part of the great American dream. The social fabric of western civilization is a thin veneer, and the events in the south are just symptoms are a far greater malaise. Just hope that nothing on a huge national scale happens before the social safety net has been repaired properly because what is under it is a seathing wound that has been festering under tax cuts and racism for decades. Mother Nature has just pealed back the scab and exposed man for the weakling that he is. So there.
  7. Camel Toe

    Martial Law

  9. Iraq=$1billion/day
  10. Three roasters

    Martial Law

    Do muslims like jazz?
  12. I am thinking that the worst is yet to come, with disease and more social unrest, the polluted stagnant water and mosquitoes, starving kids that were probably undernourished to start with, not to mention all the junkies roaming around. It is hard to think about, someone is going to pay it seem to be human nature to blame somebody somewhere.


    Pleased to meet you Hope you guessed my name
  14. Its a shame to squander money on supid stuff like education and health care when there are great things like wars to invest in instead.
  15. That what I call "penitration"
  16. I hope all those people have health insurance.
  17. People would probably end up giving their share to Benny Hin
  18. Henny Penny runs Fox news
  19. New Orleans was kind of third world before this happened
  20. So did he call back?
  21. I wonder what Bennie Hin would say about all this?
  22. Pat Roberts in particular.
  23. whatefer happened to that little bastard Rush Limbaugh
  24. Why do lost souls seem to follow the insane? This lunatic has millions of "followers" and what is even scarier is that they fucking vote.
  25. Darwin at work!!
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