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Everything posted by TREETOAD

  1. Did you here about the cannibal that passed his friend in the desert?
  2. A girafe walks into a bar and says "The highballs are on me"
  3. I love those whateveritis walks into a bar jokes. ..so finish your joke now...
  4. Say hello to my leettle friend
  5. In the woods here on Vancouver Island you can hardly walk anywhere, without squelching blueberries, they are literally covering the ground. The bears will be loving it.
  6. You guys are so full of shit

    RIP 86

    I just loved that show. What ever happened to Barny Rubble, now he was a great actor!!
  8. Good on him!!
  9. Labour, colour, cheque, flavour, odour, armour, rumour, Zed with a D By jove, I think you have it!
  10. Perhaps the chinese own Amer sports
  11. Really? last arc'teryx product I bought was made in some southeast asian country. It certainly wasn't canadia. ArcTeryx is now owned by Addidas now I do believe. What a bitch eh?
  12. Take your hands off me you damned dirty ape!!
  13. Scott Stevens is now a Fox News anchor
  14. Just the tripod ?
  15. Tell me about Anal Emma

    Hoar frost...

    fun to probe
  17. I find it a testiment to the honesty of Iranians that nobody stole the camera in two whole years.
  18. I have to go and dig up some dinner now catch you later
  19. Freudian slip...?
  20. They keep me out of trouble, I am having a hard time getting the deli out of the ground.
  21. I actually work in a hospital and sometimes have to go into some bizarre places to repair stuff and I also own a small deli.
  22. That is a hand sandwich in my avatar
  23. Are climbing rope factories really long and skinny?
  24. Anything that comes in a box or package is pretty well poison, if you eat only stuff that has to go in your fridge to keep it from rotting then you can't go too far wrong.
  25. Canada is your future, it is what you secretly aspire to become,come on admit it, I can tell you just wish it was true right now, Alaska will be ours soon and you too can join if you just wish hard enough....
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