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Posts posted by TREETOAD

  1. Alberta isn't really considered part of Canada, more rednecks and good old boys, long on money and short on education.. sort of Texas without the death penalty.

    And besides I don't think that law applies to family members cantfocus.gif

  2. When I quit about twenty five years ago, everytime I wanted a smoke I drank a glass of orange juice and went for a walk, it took my mind off it and by the time a had walked a block or so I no longer had the craving. I moved my furniture around so that the familiar chair that I smoked in was not familiar and I stayed out of bars for about six months. In the end it is will power and mind over matter. Stick with it and think about this, if you don't quit this time do you want to be smoking for another ten years or not have smoked for ten years. The CHOICE is yours. The motivation is, Do you want to die of cancer.

  3. Finding soccer boring is one of the first signs af A.D.D.

    IT just won,t fit into that seven second attention span/ made for T.V./go get a beer and don,t miss a thing games that are unfortunately so common nowadays.

  4. $500,000,000 to track down this fuckwad and kill him.

    Do you think that it will make any difference at all to what is happening over there? The civil war will continue to worsen. The bombings will continue to happen and Iraqi people just like you and me will continue to be blown up, shot down, burned, broken and splintered as a result. I think that Zarkawi was a piece of fecal material, got what he deserved, but his death will make very little difference to what is going to happen outside of even more violence and reprisals. Revenge begets revenge.

    $500,000,000 would have made a big fucking difference in New Orleans.

  5. people that smoke and eat mcD's are killing themselves... r e s p o n s i b i l i t y


    a sort of suicide fat fuckers. still, I remember when america was fit and thin, a quiet advertising brainwashing over a generation and BOOM!!! sleeper cells under the golden arches!! Ronnie Rat = Osama Bin Burger. No one has a choice when it comes to important things, i.e. your last election, hijacked, lied to, and taken down the garden path.

  6. Dead at 89, R.I.P now I'm all depressed and that is probably going to lower it even more so now I'm getting stressed out about that and that is going to push it down even more, I can feel my chest tightening and my left arm feels funny..

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