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Posts posted by TREETOAD

  1. probably more your speed...




    Hmm I knew I was leaving myself open to ridicule but sometimes a guy just has to wear his heart on his sleeve and take a risk to really grow as a person.

    Now griz I know you didn't mean that and I forgive you.

    So please respect my feelings and lets have a meaningful dialog here... darn it!

  2. I have been a little self concious about my avatar of late and the impression that it may project. Can you guys/gals help me pick out another. Perhaps something that may be a tad more appropo for the fine and delicate sensitivities on this wonderful forum. Any help would be greatly appreciated and taken not as criticism but as heart felt help..

  3. I am actually fairly adept at yodelling. I also tried out for as a soprano in the mens steambath choir but they made me feel uncomfortable so I quit that sort of thing.

    Nowadays I do all my yodelling in the canyon...if you know what I mean.


  4. Rat?!!! Bloody luxury, why when we were kids there was twelve of us living in a box by the side of the road..my dad would come home from the pub, beat us half to death and send us to bed with no supper..and that was on a good day.

    We would have killed each other just for the broth from rat bone soup!! My dad got all the meat.

  5. Virgin wool comes from ugly sheep.

    If you point a yew towards the edge of a cliff it will actually push back for you. It enhances the feeling of intimacy!!

    Wear gum boots and stick there back feet in them to hold them still, it frees up your hands too!!

  6. I could let you test drive about 175 lbs of Canadian Backbacon ! It aged and smoked and is delicious with a good dose of honey glazing! Served up with a bit of tongue to set things right.

    Oh and beer of course!!

  7. Many animals eat the placenta as each birth occurs, it is believed that it helps keep that mother in labour.

    I am starting to think that Tom cruise is actually Mike Jackson.

  8. Captain Smelly Beard

    Of the pirate ship Jolly Googler


    Whats with the beard thing.


    Avast the silly name calling games me hearties cause I keep getting shitty ones.

    Has anyone seen the movie the island with Michael Caine?

    Tis worth seein'

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