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Posts posted by TREETOAD

  1. If I did would you be interested?


    If I wasn't interested, would you be quick to pull the bigot card?


    Sorry about the bigot card it must have been the shrooms talkin

  2. Freeze dried fuckknobs hmmm sounds tasty. Is that some kind of Superman hiking food?

    It is infuriating when you are over looked especially when you are so much superior to the dotard serving you. Maybe he is really sensitve to vibes and picked up that superiority thing from you and figured to himself "I gonna fuck with this biggoted shit-node, shouldn't be too hard" After you left he probably looked at the other couple and they all laughed their bags off... hahaha.gif

  3. My lawn is full of shrooms in the fall, If'n you want some come'n gett'm They are great for running heavy equipment on, they make the day go by really fast.

  4. 2. In comparison to lets say...Dallas..or El Paso or other big cities like Disneyland... oh don't get me wrong.... there were a few but not big families of them roaming the streets looking for fast food and ice cream and stuff like that. Just regular sized people walking about or sitting in coffee shops looking at laptops or others drinking beer really early in the morning at the world cup game, just plain nice people.

  5. 1. I noticed that they make the highways with little bumps paved into the sides so that you can drive while asleep.

    2. There were not many fat people in Seattle.

    3. Seattle has lots of cool places to go and it seemed very clean.

    4. There are a lot of Italians in Seattle.

    5. The bums are quite polite in Seattle.

    6. There are many Starbucks in Seattle.

    7. It was difficult to get a decent latte in Seattle.

    8. The Space Needle is very expensive.

    9. The EMP was worth going to.

    10. I tasted the best Pad thai gui in Seattle ever.

  6. I think he works for the CIA, scanning forums for unamerican activity, even beastialty ones and maybe even disgusting religious forums as well.

  7. I haven't had a hard time getting my solider to 'snap to attention' though I've been told if I am sloppy drunk and or passed out my solider can't hear 'reveille playing'.




    I'm not sure if it counts as ED but I have had a hard time finishing if I hold it too long or if it is an 'amphibious assault'... hot tub, bath tub


    It's OK until just today I was unable to get a jpg up on a post. Offwhite gave me a hand and we did it together. It kind of gives me a special feeling. wave.gif

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