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Posts posted by TREETOAD

  1. We had photo radar banned in B.C. A political ploy to garner votes. Did I say garner? Hmm,, how mature of me.

    Anyway they had cameras at intersections etc. I got a photo radar ticket and never did pay it. After you get one and don't send in your bodeens like a good citizen they have to serve you with a summons and as nobody would pay the fine they couldn't keep up with the summons serviers so it turned into a paperwork nightmare.

    Speeding is all relative.

  2. Mt Arrowsmith is great. The turn off from the highway is about 2'5 hours then an easy 3/4 of an hour logging road drive to various routes up to the alpine. One well used route is the Saddle route up to a nice col to camp on. Most of the trails up are through nice mature second growth fir. They are fairly well flagged. There is a really spectacular ridge walk to the summit with a bit of exposure in one section. The views from up there are really nice.




    There are other ranges further north that would require more time to get to but in May or June you would have them entirely to yourself. Check out this site for information on a few of them.




    If you want any specific information drop me a pm.

  3. You could grab the ferry to Victoria, drive up the west coast towards sook, camp at China Beach which is a governmant camp site which is beautiful, on the ocean, next day do a day trip to Mystic beach or head up to port Renfrew and go to Botanical beach which is fantastic. Very mellow, very few people and it will probably have a "happy ending"

  4. When GW finally deploys all those guys, it will be interesting to see if instead of facing the border they aren't facing the other direction. Maybe they are going to try to stop you guys from leaving... sort of like a Berlin wall kind of thing. Hmmm scary... I better go get my meds.

  5. My son has a mini mac. It is about the size of a hard drive has bluetooth, wifi,dvd burner, wireless mouse and keyboard, a ton of ram and is fast as hell. Very smooth and very cool. Has never had a virus or even pop up problems.

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