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Posts posted by TREETOAD

  1. Have you ever been spirited away to a foreign country and tortured because of the sound of your last name?

    Have you ever been on your way to wedding and had your body pulverized by a smart bomb?

    Have you ever had your country invaded for no reason?

    You will...and the company that brought it to you? .Bushco.

  2. Up here we usually have moose from just after our Thanksgiving to around Christmas eve. Then we have turkey for Christmas and then we eat bacon for the rest of the year. Sometimes we eat vegetables too.

  3. "it is a rash marksman who calls his shots, announces which particular coconut he is shying at…so when going to the Himalaya it is foolish to broadcast one’s intentions, for after the event it is not easy to describe an unsuccessful attempt on a mountain as mere reconnaissance."


    H.W. Tilman.

  4. Hmmm I wonder how he lost his job, and why his girlfriend dumped his ass, and now he will probably curse out the poor suckers that have to drag his hide off the hill. I can just imagine the chopper taking off and then circling around once, flying off into the distance and after a minute or two a well bandaged body is ejected from the door. What a putz.!! yelrotflmao.gif

  5. Mmoderator please edit that out.


    FW, you're losing it. Get help.


    Do you even know where that picture was taken, or who the killer was? If you're disturbed by images of Saddam's handy work, then you have no business commenting on our subsequent actions - IMO, of course. Back to your obnoxious briefs now, crybaby. No moderator will save you from your own weak constitution.


    Fairweather! FW! Fdubya!! Dub for short! Buddy! Everyone knows that Saddam was a bad guy! Why even the businessmen that run the white house knew that, when they gave him the means of killing all those poor kids. It gets so tiresome to go over this again and again but things weren't that bad globaly speaking except for a few to many troops hanging around in Saudi. But lets take a pole and see if anyone but you and KKK think that the world is safer for you me and joe consumer now, than when George found out there was a country called Eyerack. Please someone that knows how, help me out here, lets put up one of those pole things and see WTF!! wave.gif

  6. One option that is being overlooked is to let Saddam go and allow him to get Iraq back to the stable albeit fucking wacky, country it was before the boobs in wonderland invaded the place.



    And this would work exactly how? Saddam will regain order and discipline using what.... his charisma?


    For one thing he has a nice new suit. yellaf.gif


    He probably has more support in Iraq than he did before the U.S./British rescue/invasion/occupation which forever more should be called "THE BIG FUCKUP"

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