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Posts posted by TREETOAD

  1. Squeeze me baby, till the juice runs down my leg

    Squeeze me baby, till the juice runs down my leg

    The way you squeeze my lemon,

    I..I'm gonna fall right out of bed, yeah.

  2. Ok let me reiterate. You guys are AWSOME!!

    America is a great country. Done great things. The problem lies with the clowns driving the bus right now and how they got hold of the wheel. smile.gif

  3. Finally someone is talking about something really important!! Whether you are talking about the butterfly flick or the plain old long deep tongue method you cannot beat a long and arduous session of dining at the Y. The view from down there cannot be beat and the reciprocal rewards are a delight. Apart from severe carpet burn on your chin I see no downside.

  4. The white brown thing is just a breed thing. But when you have an egg from a chicken that eats lots of organic shit such as bugs and stuff then the yolks are much deeper yellow or orange. An egg will keep for a long time but the older they are the more watery the white gets and when you crack it into a pan it will more runny. I had Indian Runner ducks for a few years and the eggs you get from them are unbelievably good and much better for you. Alas my duck experiment turned into a raccoon feeding experiment so no more ducks. Thanks for letting me ramble on here, those little ducks really meant a lot to me and now that they are gone.. well I just feel lonely all the time. Fucking Raccoon bastards.. they don't know what they've done. If I every catch one of those frothing little rabid fucks I will smash their skulls with a shovel..and eat their babies.

  5. That is about the most spontaneous move I've seen on a football field in years. Everyone else out there has to wait to be told what to do from the sidelines. Then they stand around for ten minutes while some other guys measure the measure the field. Duh!!! Gimme hockey or lacrosse anyday. Now those are real men.. the_finger.gifthe_finger.gif

  6. From Snopes:

    Typically in cyclopic births the nose is either absent or present as an appendage located above the single eye. (Eyelids are also generally absent in such births, which explains why the eye of the one-day-old kitten pictured above is open even though cats are usually born with their eyes shut and remain in that condition for the first week or two of their lives.)


    Happens to goats, related to false hellebore ingestion during gestation.




    Way to go OW I'm with yo on this one, amazing thumbs_up.gif

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